Sunday, 16 July 2023

Shin, top of the foot, ball of the foot, toes? 🦶 That is the question!

At some point, I realized that one self defense technique I have rarely mentioned is the front testicle kick commonly known as the groin kick. Well, this is definitely not because I do not consider it useful, but this blog mainly focuses on overlooked last-resort self defense methods and kicking is rather a first-response move suitable mainly for the initial stages of an attack. However, I think all of you agree, it would be a big mistake not to discuss it thoroughly.

Although regarded as a staple classical technique of female self defense, it is again associated with many controversies and mixed opinions; some ‘experts’ even suggest ‘groin kicks’ should be avoided completely. The inconvenient truth is, if not mastered enough they can just fail, he might grab your leg and throw you, or if mistargeted it can just enrage him. On the other hand, a properly executed unexpected kick to the most sensitive male bits can be an immediate stop for even the most dangerous and determined attacker.

Legs offer different striking areas for kicking. 
Firstly, it is important to remember, like with kneeing, force, and precision are the most important elements of a successful kick. The up-from-under motion of the leg ensures the testicles are crushed against the pubic bone. Important is gaining the greatest momentum of your leg possible; in this way, you can lift him off the ground similarly as when kneeing testicles. When quick and unexpected, he has little chance to block or counteract it in any way. A powerful kick can be achieved by slightly stepping back and shooting the leg explosively toward the imaginary target above the genitals.  An ideal situation is when the attacker has his legs open at the point, he approaches you and squares off.

However, when reading articles and comments about female self defense there is always one unresolved issue always coming up: what should be the preferred striking area: shin, top of the foot, toes, or ball of the foot?

In one of my earlier posts, I already mentioned the testicle scoop kick, using which even the weakest woman can do a number on the attacker’s testicles combining both impact and jerking force of her toes. But what about other striking areas in normal types of kicking? You often hear advice like: Do not kick with your toes, they are too soft, you will just hurt yourself. Or: By kicking with the top of the foot you can miss, it is safer to use shin, etc. So how is it? You are probably quite interested in what Linda said about this issue. Well to be honest, there is no one right answer, it all depends on the situation and circumstances, for instance, the distance between you and him, your and his clothing or the type of your shoes, or if barefoot.

Let’s now discuss more closely and critically the different possible striking areas one by one.

The mechanics of different striking areas: (A) shin, (B) top of the foot, (C) ball of the foot, (D) toes. 

Shin (A): A very sturdy area of the leg can be used when the attacker is not close enough to be kneed in the testicles but too far away to be kicked with any distal parts of the foot. Because a quite large area, aiming does not need to be that precise, you just need to get your shin between his leg and move up, and your shin will find the desired target. The effect is like him falling on a handrailing (we all have seen the funny home videos). On the other hand, it is more difficult to get enough upward momentum without trying to kick much higher and the shin can be slowed down with his thighs.

Top of the foot (B): It is a more distal part of the leg so you can get a much better swing momentum and penetration. This area is fortified with tarsal bones, and wearing any hard shoes makes it even sturdier. Normally, the impact of the top of the foot comes from the bottom and a little bit from the back, which is advantageous, because as you already know the back of the testicles is the most sensitive due to the presence of delicate epididymis.  On the other hand, to use this area, there needs to be the right distance between you and him. Creating or getting in a convenient distance for a particular move is an overlook but essential part of self defense skills.

Kuba Kickz are handy tools
to add spikes to the top of the foot which can
do significant damage to his ballsack
Interestingly, there is a very handy self defense tool available on the market called Kuba Kickz. This small plastic thing is to be fastened between the shoelaces which just adds sharp spikes to your foot making the top of the foot a devastating prongy weapon. Linda owned one of these and showed us what those spikes do on a kicking dummy leathery bottom. Believe me, there were some indentations left behind! So don’t worry, luckily for them, Bob or Peter were excluded from the demonstration this time even if they wore cups. Still, it is not difficult to imagine what it would do with real scrotum content after a hard kick. I like they come in pink, and they are not an overly big object, but still not that inconspicuous, it is something one can wear for jogging but not a stylish piece for a formal meeting, date, or party.  I would rather avoid explaining if somebody asks: What’s that thing on your shoes?

The ball of the foot (C): In a normal situation hard to use as the whole foot would have to be raised up at a 90° angle. Also, this striking area is relatively soft and would generate rather pushing force from the front against his penis which would provide some cushion. It is hard to ensure up and under movement and crushing testicles against hard backing. On the other hand, it is a good striking area when kicking for instance from a sitting or lying position (these situations will be for sure discussed later).

Toes (D): As mentioned, toes should be utilized during scoop kicking to generate the right hooking/jerking motion. Toes are the most distal part of the limb and therefore can get the greatest momentum. On the other hand, bare toes are floppy and not as sturdy as for instance the top of the foot and a direct hit on the pelvic floor can be painful (but not even close as it is for the attacker). When wearing any pointy shoes, there is no doubt that this is the striking area of choice. Raise the tip of your shoe and drive it into his bulge explosively. The tip of the shoe has a great penetrating capacity and usually impacts just one testicle. When well placed the effect is great and can lead to testicle rupturing and him passing out. If possible, repeat the kick to ensure the complete defeat of the thug.

In conclusion, regardless of the striking area, kicking is an effective means of female self defense. There are so many more aspects to discuss in detail and of course, practicing kicking during the course was as much fun as kneeing or other techniques. I will cover it more thoroughly in some future posts.