Saturday, 21 October 2023

Busting the ball myths (part four) – the delay in reaction

 A couple of weeks ago one commenter submitted a very interesting video about some crazy accident that happened in Peru. It was not that clear what was going on, but apparently, it was some kind of bet or rock-paper-scissors game between a young guy and a lady. The guy lost, and the lady immediately kicked him in the testicles with a perfectly placed and strong front kick. The reporter mentioned she was an expert in karate. The guy went down instantly and was in great pain; a nice example of proper kicking BTW. From what I understood he ended up in urology ER and one testicle had to be removed. It was just plain stupid to take such a bet. Apparently, he is a YouTuber and did it to get more views; did not earn any likes from me though. Ultimately he learned his lesson the hard way, but I hope he is fine known and will be much more careful with the remaining nut.

Looking at the video, I realize that there is an interesting topic to discuss as a continuation of the series about ball myths. When reading discussions and pieces of advice from ‘experts’ about female self defense online, from time to time there is a very weird claim popping up. It often goes like this ‘You should not try to kick a man in the groin because there is a significant delay in reaction, and during this period, he can keep fighting and do anything to the woman.’  Again, it would be interesting to know the origin of this myth. Well to me it is just one of all the myriad stupid excuses for some men (unfortunately often self defense instructors) to shy away from the reality of their vulnerability down there and rather go on with some laughable but non-controversial techniques (kick him in the shin instead, probably no delay in reaction with this one LOL). I have seen and experienced plenty of substantial evidence this is simply not true.

They all go down surely and swiftly

Training with Bob and Peter and having their, often unprotected testicles at our disposal was a very good opportunity provided by Linda to bust such misconceptions once and for all. Trying by ourselves was worth the thousands of words. On numerous occasions, the moment I felt the squishy soft tissue of a boy's little bag with my fingertips, the palm of my hand, the knee, toes, or the top of the foot, the desired reaction basically instantly kicked in. Just a mild disturbance of the glands and what was a fit strong young muscular body in the blink of an eye just crumbles down and writhes in pain. Sure, a brief delay is there but can be a fraction of a second or maybe a second max. Not a convenient time frame for him to fix his tie and just keep fighting as some delusional men imagine. I understand that many women do not have the possibility to test things by themselves as we did in the course. Luckily, numerous videos posted online of some real-time accidents (or intentions :) such as funny home videos, MMA matches, or TikTok ‘Hit-him-in-the-ball challenge’ (apparently there was indeed such a couple of years ago, look it up) are a good resource to see the true physiological dynamics of a man being hit the testicles. Notice how the response comes immediately and is associated with the common protection reflex. If you are still eager to try it out, and you have a boyfriend or husband, just find the right moment and unexpectedly strike the area with a gentle slap. You can play it out as an accident if you do not want to reveal the reason for your experiment 😊.

Typical male reaction and protective reflex
after being hit in the testicles
It is logical as the testes are unprotected glands hanging outside formed by highly innervated tissue with thousands of pain receptors (nociceptors). When agitated they fire the signal which travels up to the spinal cord and brain. It has been established that the speed of the pain signal is around 1 m/s so it gets there in no time. The reason for this is to prompt the owner quickly: ‘Look your precious family jewels are in danger if you do not want to lose them, which can happen easily, just back off and take care of them.’ As Linda used to say, ‘Balls and brain talk fast, use it!’

To be honest from the neurological point of view the situation is not that simple and there is a bit of truth in the myth. In a medical article I read some time ago there are actually two pain responses, one is fast, and another is a slow effect which indeed comes after and is much stronger. The spermatic nerves are directly connected to the nerve system of the abdomen (testicles originated there and descended into the scrotum during development). That’s why the effect is also called the referred pain, and the typical reaction is bending over due to the cramps in the stomach area (vagal reflex). In conclusion, do not be discouraged by the myth perpetrated by those who often feel embarrassed or even threatened by the capabilities women have, to fight back. We should not submit ourselves to some pathetic bogus claims and rather follow the evidence.


  1. Ironically the only delay here its on how long a woman can control a situation after a solid kick to the nuts. I have reliable research that shows the woman can literally drink a coffee or read a book while the guy its still in agony on the floor. Even more shockingly if the woman is skilled on manipulation or psychological tactics, she can take of control of him and force him to do her bidding EVEN FORCE HIM TO TAKE ANOTHER KICK IN THE BALLS.

    Although Wendy i think you should do a disclaimer here, your combat style its not a kick to the balls its like 15. With so much force overall applied even if you were kicking his arms or legs you would end causing him tons of pain, but let those 15 kicks to to his testicles...
    The result its well... traumatizing.

    1. I haven't tried with manipulation or psychological tactics but when a man is on the ground holding his balls, he is probably weak enough for you to pull his hands away and kick / stomp his testicles. This is usually unnecessary unless you need a long time to get away for him or you didn't get them very hard the first time, but it's useful just in case

    2. You are right, you are actually more right than you think. The point its these woman didn't use the manipulation tactics because they need too, they do it as a display of power and let me say more as a display of art. Going farther these woman don't even need to distract (although they really good at it) because they just see the opening (its probably your case too)

    3. Hi Andre, yes there can be another type of delay (calling for a coffee break:) 15 kicks would be traumatizing :) Sometimes the man simply deserves it. You are interested in our secret tool of deception distraction and manipulation. I have to write a second installment about the class we learned about the power of this invincible female weapon of ma(n)ss destruction. Regards, Wendy

    4. Hi Joan, yes sometimes it is indeed necessary to kick or knee several times or give a final blow to the testicles so the escape is completely safe. I hammer kick to the scrotum of a lying man is one of the preferable finishing moves. Regards, Wendy

    5. Hi André, thanks for calling our techniques of deception and distraction an art:) Linda taught us this art, some are naturally born with such a talent. Regards, Wendy

  2. It is true that there is sometimes a delay in pain, I will usually fall to my knees about 2 seconds after being hit there. But I am unable to fight during that period. It takes that long for the abdominal pain to set in, but I am stunned for those 2 seconds so I am not able to do anything even though the full pain hasn't started yet. This "stunned" period that many guys have is an excellent time to knee him in the testicles again to make sure he is down for good

    1. I have seen guys freeze during Krav Maga too right before they go down! We are actually taught to follow up with another knee to the testicles before he cups them with his hands. Striking them twice makes sure the balls are bashed enough to keep him on the ground for a while

    2. Hi, some men already confirmed there are indeed two pains. The two-second delay is not enough to do 'anything to a woman' As you confirmed the important point is that a man is incapable of any response. He might not drop like a sac of potatoes immediately but he also cannot fight like nothing happened, like some imagine. And yes, 'stun him first and finish the job with following knees' is a good approach. One of Linda's mottos was 'One knee is not enough' :) Regards, Wendy

    3. Hi Joan, yes that's the way to go. Stun and before he can do anything or cover his crotch just knee again. If there is still an opening after the second knee, a third knee should come just for a good measure so scrambled eggs are on the menu :) Regards, Wendy

    4. Isn't more than 1 knee overkill? I can't imagine staying standing after one knee there, so 2 or 3 would just be torture

    5. I agree :) two or three knees will sufficiently bruise the testicles so he isn't using them anytime soon.

  3. Wendy, was your most enjoyable experience in your course the class when you nearly castrated Bob 'accidentally' ? Why have you never posted a story about that specific 'accidental' event, despite stating several times at least - over a year ago now that you would?

    1. It seems I have to put some effort into writing about it if you are so interested. Regards, Wendy

  4. 'A couple of weeks ago one commenter submitted a very interesting video about some crazy accident that happened in Peru'

    First off, it was NOT an 'accident'. As you pointed out, the woman had serious martial arts skills and would have been very confident as to what the probable outcome would be when she kicked him. Only you consider everything a woman does to a man an accident'. That's 100% because you're a liar and manipulator of men, and too much of a coward to criticize a woman for anything she does to a man. Even if this young guy died of shock, you would likely still call it an 'accident'.

    1. Oh yes here we go again, the woman who won the bet is responsible and not the YouTuber who initiated the stupid bet.

  5. Hi Wendy I'm the user who show you the video. Glad it brings to you this topic.
    Again I think you are right most of the time and what you do is very important and you have a scientific approach.
    But again consider that rules are made by exception. Beside my particular problem I already told that make me feels nothing down there, or someone that has a superior cremasteric reflex, have you ever thought that in your course Bob and Peter were in a "safe" environment?
    I mean have you considered the role of adrenaline? A high flux of adrenaline in the blood stream as in a state of fear or extreme danger can set a higher pain tolerance. Someone arrive in ER with a bullet in the body and it is not unconscious or feel just a moderate pain.
    I'm sure that if Linda or you or the other girls had but Bob and Peter in a serious danger with a believable treat, their tolerance would have been much higher.
    I don't know if they could have handled a full kick by Linda, or you but certainly a normal one. Consider that as per medical literature it is necessary 40kg of force to cause testicles rupture. A kick can have an impact force of 3x your weight so if you are a 50kg girl you could hit at maximum using his rotation 150kg of force. This force broke even bone (the pelvic bone in this case) But if you do normal kicks you use a fraction of your weight. You said Linda use 20% of her force. Assuming she was 50kg it is 10kg maybe 20-30 with the right movements. I'll be' glad ti know what you think

    1. Hi Mark, thank you for the video. It is an interesting topic. Yes, adrenalin or drugs, etc can have an effect. The question is how high the adrenalin of an attacker is in self defense and especially in anti-rape situations? What the level of the effect can be? Imagine a situation where things go his way, being relaxed and thinking he can easily violate the woman he approaches. I think in this situation a surprise attack on testicles would definitely work. I guess Bob and Peter were all the time in an alert state :) But I agree they trusted Linda she would not fatally endanger their testicles. Based on their looks the fear was there, however. That's why the inovative research in self defense like Linda does is so important (also reprimand). To know more about these variables.

      Well, Linda and us gauged our kicks so there was no danger of testicles rupturing. I can assure you if Linda went full force on Bob and Peter they would lose their testicles. Luckily she did not that would be horrible. I could see what Linda's kicks did to all the fruits she used for the demonstration of full force. Just a puree. Regards, Wendy

    2. Even if Linda ruptured their testicles - either intentionally or by 'accident', there is nothing they could have done about it afterwards anyway. The took a HUGE risk signing that waiver, and trusting Linda was extremely risky, to put it mildly.

    3. As I said, nothing is without risks. Building trust is the beginning. Also, the question is what would change if there was no waiver. I guess they would participate anyway. Regards, Wendy

    4. The waiver protected Linda, the school and all of you students, dummy - it obviously did the opposite for the two guys. With a waiver in place, both Bob and Peter had no legal avenues open to them. Perhaps - just perhaps, with NO signed waiver in place, Linda might have been a little less abusive to the two guys, and you may have not slept quite as well the night you nearly castrated Bob 'accidentally'...

  6. My wife does this to me all the time! It's especially humiliating when it's in front of her friends or our adult daughters, never fails to get a laugh from them at my expense of course. I can attest to the instant reaction it causes, especially when I'm not expecting it which I never am. The worst part is how I can't help but to grab myself to protect them, almost like it's hard wired into my brain...I can also say the pain comes in two phases and maybe that's what people are talking about? The first is a sudden rush of adrenaline where any man will react instantly to protect themselves, the second is a slow growing ache deep in my abdomen I never quite understood. But yes, this will work on a man and does not take any time at all to have 'desired' effect

    1. Hi Ron, thank you for your insight. Yes, some men already mentioned there are two pains coming in phases. The point is that even the first response is enough to put the assailant out of action the second wave is just the 'double whammy'. I know you can be mad with your wife doing it in front of an 'audience'. But most likely she does it playfully, doesn't she? Also can't it be she wants to convey to your daughters the effective way to go in self defense against males? The topic is quite touchy and some important things can be tell even without words :) Regards, Wendy

    2. Even if she's trying to make a point, she's abusing him and teaching her daughters to be abusive.

    3. Hi, it depends on the severity and context. It might be a rather playful activity. Regards, Wendy

    4. How classic (for you) is your response here. You defend a woman's conduct no matter what she does. To you, causing a man pain (by any means) outside of a legitimate self-defense action is 'playful', and therefore (of course) there is nothing malicious or inappropriate in her doing it. Same as your idiotic defense of that woman in that Peruvian video. You never assign any responsibility to the woman to behave in a mature and responsible manner; that only applies 100% to men in your view. Your biases (and hatred for men) rule you, as always.

    5. Hi Ron. You may be pleased to know that you're not the only husband this happens to, but it has nothing to do with self defence.

    6. Hi Reg, yes I'm sure. I have seen my wife's friends swat their husbands nads a few times as well. It seems like great entertainment for them. Truthfully over the years it become a bit of a problem solver for us, if I screw up bad enough she'll tell me she thinks I deserve a 'booting' as she calls it. We'll debate but she always seems to get her way. I don't think it's abusive and she has always told our daughters it's the best way to defend themselves against a male. They should know as they've seen me on the ground cradling myself enough to know how well it hurts a man. They've also always gotten a good laugh out if it and will shout 'Timber' or something to that effect when she gets me. As a father of daughters I think it's my responsibility to make sure they know how to deal with men and my wife agrees, obviously. That said it's still quite humiliating for me at times.

    7. I know exactly where you're coming from. My partner calls it a whacking. You never know when the mood is going to take them - but watch out when it does! Have you noticed how cheerful the ladies are after they land a really good shot?

    8. Yes, it makes me angry how joyous a mood she, and whomever is there to witness my specifically male pain, is in when I'm trying not to throw up from a building abdominal agony. I think Wendy mentioned how they start in abdomen during development which makes a lot of sense now (I always wondered). What I find even worse is the fake concern asking how im doing or if I'm alright through suppressed laughter. I guess that's just life as a guy nowadays

  7. I'm curious to know what Linda did right after she demonstrated kicking the naked testicles of Bob and/or Peter. Which lucky lab rat got chosen to experience that, or did she kick both of them? One (a rational, normal, caring person, not you) can only imagine what that experience would have been like for the guy(s) chosen to experience that - standing there naked in front of six women waiting for a black belt in martial arts - who was also protected by a legal waiver, waiting to have his bare testicles kicked.

    Did she smile, laugh, talk to just the female students about the technique, ask someone to help them, get ice packs, or what?

    1. Well, some men are brave and can stand such 'treatment' because are true gentlemen and were ready to do (almost) everything for our safety. I wrote Linda was strict, focused, and determined in her goals, so it involved using Bob and Peter as model attackers with all it took. Putting them in some heavy padded suits would not help the cause. If you have a problem with it, fine nobody forces you to do it. Laughing and smiling were not forbidden, we were college students, but Linda tried to create a constructive and respectful environment. Read the post about ethics and etiquette. As I said the ice packs and pillows were always ready and used a lot. And no they did not have to pay for those, Linda got funding for the course. Regards, Wendy

    2. I thought I answered the questions: But here it comes again She used both of them. That's why she invited two guys and not one. She did smile, and she educated the female students so logically she talked to female students about the techniques, she did not have to ask we initiatively helped them when needed and fetched ice packs. I hope the answers are more clear now. Regards, Wendy

    3. If i knew your language I would write the question in that, but I don't. Please read this carefully. I would like to know specifically when Linda demonstrated kicking Bob and/or Peter in the testicles at 20 or 30% power as you said (I assume they were naked), I imagine that hurt like hell and both guys dropped to the ground immediately. What happened RIGHT AFTER THAT? had Linda arranged before for one or two of you to help them, did she say sorry or anything, or did all of you and Linda just stand there and watch those two (if it was both) guys lie there and suffer? - Evan

    4. Hi Evan, you want to know details that require a new installment of the series about kicking/kneeing. But briefly: On numerous occasions, she indeed demonstrated the proper striking area and the direction of impact (for that reason the usage of naked testicles was advantageous), as I said she gauged the kick or knee so they did not suffer serious consequences, she knew what power was still safe. But still, the effect was there and sometimes they indeed dropped on the floor. She did not say sorry as this was an integral part of the course. You normally apologize for an accident or something that should not have happened. But she was respectful and kind to them and we helped to mitigate the situation and fetched icepacks and offered some soothing words. This usually helped in fast recovery so the class could continue without much delay. Hope this answers the question. Regards, Wendy

    5. I would send you a gift and card, but you have to behave. Wendy

    6. Have a nice Halloween Evan, be happy with your new job, it seems nice. Wendy

    7. 'But she was respectful and kind to them.'

      Kind?? They were in that course to have their bodies used as sexual anatomy models and to have their genitals probed, pinched, kicked, etc. How the hell do you interpret that as being 'kind'?
      You also posted several stories about her doing all manner of things to them during the course that she herself acknowledged were cruel, etc. You posted about her saying some things that were anything but respectful to them as well. Your self-interest compels you to lie, no matter what it seems. You don't like facts getting in your way, that's for sure.

    8. Well maybe 'kind' can have different meanings. Wendy

  8. Everyone is maybe little bit different, so I can only speak for myself, but yes it comes in 2 stages firstly a singing hot pain followed about 2-3 seconds afterwards by a sickening nauseous pain that wells up from the stomach & also affects the breathing with dizziness.
    But for those 2-3 seconds a man isn't thinking of hitting you again, maybe he's in & paralysis
    & fear of what's coming along next.

    1. Hi Mac, thank you for your insight. It is good to have some men's perspective on how it is. What I got, is that there might be different pains kicking in at different times and places and the effect can be quite systemic but the main point which is important for our self defense is that men are hardly capable of any effective retaliation after a hit. The high adrenalin or drugs/alcohol might come into the equation but is it significant? Regards, Wendy

    2. TBH I don't know if there is a drug that would stop this pain, I can only go off my own experiences & I think in that split second you've been kicked there's an overwhelming fear (maybe adrenaline) of the sickening overwhelming pain that's coming your way - some girls know this because when my mates sister kicked me she calmly stood there as if to say "wait for it boy" & she was right.

    3. Hi Mac, thank you for your insight and the experience It is interesting to hear how it works from a man's perspective. That woman seems to have quite some experience in kicking testicles and good knowledge about following responses, maybe she is an attendant of a self defense course? Regards, Wendy

    4. Well she wasn't an attendant at a course, but she was taught a few basic tricks by her grandmother who she stayed with at weekends.
      My mum told me that her grandmother was in the women's navy.
      I just remember thinking grandmother's can be a bit cruel sometimes too 😃

    5. Hi Mac, yes older women can be quite experienced and it is good they pass the knowledge to us younger ones. Not all grandmas teach just cooking and knitting tricks. :) Regards, Wendy

  9. Wow! I can't believe I found this site. Had this exact argument with my husband once...he tried to tell me a groin strike wouldn't work because of the delay in reaction time.

    I hope this isn't too mean but I couldn't help but cut him off with a quick backhand to his family jewels and the response was priceless. He grabbed himself and had the most dumbfounded expression - I couldn't help bit laugh. He was a bit mad but I just kept laughing because he was still holding his little man purse while trying to reprimand me. Every now and again I think men need to be reminded they can be vulnerable too. I still feel a bit guilty about it though, even if I find it pretty amusing.

    1. Hi Linda, someone would say you are true to your name :) That's what I wanted to convey with the 'Busting the Ball Myths' series. Understandably most men are not comfortable with the idea of their vulnerability down there so they invent very creative claims and excuses. Just a quick slap or backhand hit there can easily expose the truth. I know it is controversial but I would not reproach your action (some would, fine) my theory (many already confirmed on this blog) actually can positively affect the relationship. I can imagine that for men losing that invincible-invulnerable status is hard (and painful as well :) but beneficial not only for us women. Regards, Wendy

    2. It would be interesting to know if you ever had the urge to do it again.

    3. Yes a few times. I like to hold them while we're in bed and ask him questions. If I don't like the answer I'll give him a quick correction until he says what I need him to

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I don't think it's as much a turn on for my husband as you, more so something he's come to accept. That said it's not all the time, and when I am holding him he tends to get a bit excited

  10. I know on my previous coment i sound metaphorical, but no, its science, i had the honor to be chatting to the lady who perform the experiment, the move on question was a testicle squeeze on his boyfriend, she made him beg, made him take a kick to the face (to confirm he could be leaded to take non fetish pain too) and to take another kick on his testicles (she actually kicked him 2 times). Its a bit counterintuitive but it really shows how much power woman can get.
    Although we described the experience as an experiment its ironical her demonstration may end up being scientifically useful for woman power research.
    And since you below talk about relationship, at least the last time i talked her they still together and happy. My research show these are surprisingly stable relationships, few cases of breaking and all because of the man.

    1. Hi André, that's right was a cruel but maybe 'useful' research experiment. I am happy they are still together. Just she has to be careful with his testicles. Regards, Wendy

  11. Hi, do you think it's difficult to flatten testicles?

    1. Hi, it is not easy because of the tough layer of tunica albuginea, but doable if a woman knows the right technique. Read my post about cracking nuts. I will make another post about it. Regards, Wendy

    2. Now I'm curious: what wasn't yet covered in the "nutcracker" article?

    3. Hi Max, you would have to wait. The toughness of testicles is an interesting and has to be discussed more in detail. Only if I found more time... Regards, Wendy

  12. Is this also true for squeezes? Will a man be instantly taken down if you grab and squeeze his balls?

    1. Hi, that's true. The effect is immediate, and it should take the breath out of him in no time. The advantage is also a woman can also modulate the pressure, depending on the situation, in severe cases till he passes out. Regards, Wendy

  13. Not approving any comments that criticize you any more I see. I didn't know you are so fragile in your opinions and beliefs.

    I'll only submit comments that tell you how wonderful you think you are from now on. That way, your 'principles' won't be threatened and you can carry on thinking the way you do. There's no chance you'll ever change anyway. Hatred has fully infected your soul.

    1. Hi Evan, as I told you numerous times. I publish any comments that follow the rules. Ask any question, criticize but be decent and not vulgar. and insulting, and you will be surprised the comments will appear here. Have a nice weekend, Regards, Wendy

  14. I can confirm that there’s not a delay for me. I was once subjected to my testicles being beaten by a woman and her daughter for something I’d done that was inappropriate. The pain was instant and I was in tears almost Instantly

    1. Hi Simon. Well, I do not know what you have done deserved your testicles beaten, but I hope you are OK now. Next time you will be more careful. Regards, Wendy

  15. LOL. Imagine getting famous, but only for almost getting castrated.

    1. Hi, yes that is stupid, some people sell their kidneys for money, but this was the first time 'selling' a testicle for fame :) Regards, Wendy

    2. I recently got humbled quite badly by a girl in a fight. I thought that there was know way she could beat me but she said something like ‘oh really i bet I could’ I had managed too whrestle her down to the ground and take her back. This is when she immediately reached her in my shorts and grabbed my nuts as she twisted and yanked down. She said something like never underestimate the power of a women and threatened to rip off my danglies. I have never been so embarrassed and immobilized by that much pain in my life

    3. You could see your experience two ways, the first one its like you suck and feel embarrassment, but the other one its to canalice that into admiration for her. After all despite she being weaker and slower managed to lead you onto a position where could easily apply her winning move. Call it skill or intelligence but she winning definitively speak good of her. You already feel the pain and the defeat but on my experience to change the way you see it makes it easier to live with the experience.

  16. He probably displayed a facial expression the woman did not like. That naturally would justify her assaulting him - at least according to the reasoning skills of this blog's host....

    1. Nope, that's not my reasoning. But be careful with your facial expressions when talking to women :) Wendy

  17. I lost a testicle in the ordeal. The woman followed me out of the bar into the carpark and kicked my testicles, when I was down she pulled them out of my jeans and held my testicles in place and had her daughter deliver 10 full force blows to my testicles. I had rubbed my erect penis on her during a disco night in a bar. I still think it was unfair to take away half my manhood for just rubbing my penis on her but I guess what’s done is done

    1. Hi Simon, well that sounds cruel. You should not have done that filthy stuff with your penis, but punishing like that... Maybe male readers should just take notes and keep away from such inappropriate behavior to keep their testicles safe... Regards, Wendy

  18. I reckon I’d rub my penis on you Wendy and probably on Linda too. Think you’d enjoy it.

    1. Well don't be too confident, it could be very, very risky for you: ) Have you not read the techniques I mastered at the course?. Penile fracture is nothing you would 'enjoy' :) Wendy

    Kicked in the Balls vs Childbirth - Which is More Painful?

    1. Thank you for the educational video. It explains several things nicely. I do not have balls and have not given birth so I cannot tell :) Regards, Wendy

  20. Hmmm ....this hate blog is pretty quiet lately.. I wonder if the blog host has decided to give up and direct her hatred elsewhere...

    1. She decided to take up knitting cause its cold now.

    2. Well, knitting is for grandmas:) I am just very busy. Regards, Wendy

  21. Women take drugs during childbirth for pain. How convenient of you to not post those comments.

  22. Are you abusive to your own boyfriend? Some of the things you have said on this website are troubling.

    1. HI, no I am not. We have a nice relationship, don't worry. Wendy

  23. Have you told your female friends about this hate blog, or is it your dirty little secret - or at least one of them?

  24. What is more painful for a male to receive a testicle knee or gtp

    1. Hi, well that question should be asked male readers of this blog. As I got it some readers already have some 'unpleasant' experience. Generally, it all depends on how well it is executed but evidence shows both can be pretty painful and very debilitating. In both cases, it can lead to testicle(s) being ruptured or other serious injury and the attacker passing out. Again any technique to be effective has to be executed correctly and with all might. The choice of a technique also depends on how far the attacker is what kind of clothing he wears etc. So there is no clear answer. The best is to know a range of techniques. Regards, Wendy

  25. Con el tiempo he podido comprobar que si una mujer en defensa lanza una rodilla o patada en los testículos y el asaltante da un primer quejido agudo
    seguido de un quejido agónico es seguro que le ha reventado algún testículo! es tan difícil y los violadores deberían pensarlo antes. .

    1. Tienes razón Andre, aprendimos que incluso una niña pequeña puede romperse un testículo con una buena patada o un rodillazo. El atacante suele desmayarse. A más mujeres se les debería enseñar esto. Saludos. Wendy.

  26. I remember seeing this video from China where a few policeman arrest a woman and handcuff her. As they move her to the police car, she actually reaches back (while still being handcuffed) and grabs and squeezes the testicles of one of the policeman who was right behind her. Even though it was just a quick squeeze (not even one second), he falls to his knees immediately holding his balls, completely paralysed. If not for the other policemen, he would have been completely at her mercy, but I bet they were careful to keep their crotches out of her reach after that! Amazing how much pain a woman can inflict to a man's weakest parts

    1. Hi Jane, thanks for the story. Even in handcuffs, our hands can be dangerous if we know which place and how to attack. And even if hands are completely restricted other parts of our body can take the job instead. Regards, Wendy

    2. Not always a good idea;

    3. Well, I do have a post about ballet and that ballerinas can be dangerous and know how to kick testicles 'elegantly' :) Regards, Wendy

  27. Were there any times when Linda apologized to Bob and/or Peter, or was she incapable of and/or unwilling to do that type of human thing?

    1. Hi, Evan, sure she did. It is a human thing to do. When it was appropriate she indeed apologized. She had no problem in doing that. But don't expect she was apologizing all the time. This was a self defense course and pains and bruises were expected. Regards, Wendy

    2. The delay in reaction is not really true. Once a guy gets a blow to the groin the nerves in his testicles are immediately on fire but the most intense pain comes about a minute later, after the swelling begins and starts pressing on those nerves in his balls

    3. Hi, thanks for the comment, many other commenters confirmed there are two waves of pain, fast and slow. The first fast response is important in self defense. Regards, Wendy

  28. I think what people forget is that it's usually the nausea that has a delayed reaction, while the pain is instant. I find this is why a hit to the testicles usually elicits an instant reaction of pain (yelling, falling, crying, screaming) while the nausea usually comes a few seconds later (curling into the fetal position, dry heaving)

    1. Hi, thank you for the comment. Indeed also other commenters clarified there are two responses, the fast and the slow with nausea. For self defense, the most important is the instant reaction that incapacitates the attacker almost immediately. The nausea is a double whammy. Regards, Wendy

  29. Here’s my experience as a guy whose nuts have been grabbed— it’s the most intense pain imaginable when your balls are getting squeezed but it wears off pretty quick.
    A hard direct hit can make a guy puke and be on the floor for awhile but the recovery from a nut squeeze is much faster.

    1. Hi, thank you for your experience, it is quite valuable. Please keep in mind that during a serious self defense situation some short grab/squeeze is not the way to go. A woman in dire situation should use the most drastic method, some of which I learned during Linda's self defense course. These techniques can cause some serious even permanent injuries. Regardless of the technique, targeting testicles is very effective. Regards, Wendy

  30. I've kicked several guys in the nuts, and I gotta say I've never seen anything like a delay. They all go down hard and fast, like a broken chair

    A few years ago, my roommate at the time got really drunk and tried to come on to me and I really wasn't in to him. Obviously I tried to stop him peacefully, but he started to put his hands on me and at that point I had to fight back. I snap kicked him in the family jewels and he immediately went down. It took basically no effort and I floored him, even though he was much bigger and stronger than me, thanks to the male anatomy. I can still remember the sound that my foot made when it made contact with his most vulnerable parts.

    The best part is, he was still curled up in agony on the ground holding his testicles 15 minutes later, and making a sort of crying sound. Honestly, I could have gone over and squeezed his balls until the little guys exploded. There would be nothing he could really do to stop me. But I decided to be merciful and didn't.

    We actually remained as roommates for a few more months. He never tried anything like that again, and interestingly, he became a lot more docile and always tried to avoid standing in front of me with his legs opened, even when we were just talking. I guess he learnt his lesson.

    The funny thing is, we actually ended up sleeping together once before my rental contract ended, and I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised by how well his equipment performed despite all that. He was embarrassed when I mentioned it though. I guess getting kicked in the balls by a girl does deeply affect the male psyche

    1. Hi Katie, thank you for your account. The psychology behind the testicles as a target for female self defense is a very broad and important topic. It works not only as an empowering tool for a woman but also as a tool for him to teach him a lesson, as your story clearly demonstrates. Your roommate has realized that he is not such an invincible guy and has to behave around you to keep his testicles safe ;) I will try to cover this important aspect in my future post as well. Regards, Wendy

  31. I like that story. However, that delay can be a real thing. A policewoman I know kicked an attacker in the balls and he was able to punch her in the face before collapsing. On the other hand, when it happened to me during a self defence lesson I was assisting at, I was actually paralyzed and breathless for those few seconds before the pain exploded in my testicles.

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. As I admitted nothing is bulletproof and the response can be variable as with everything in life. Seeing for instance videos of real fights or accidents there are very few examples of any kind of delay. High on adrenaline and other variables might affect the effectiveness. It is advisable that a strike to testicles is complemented by other strikes as fast combos. to be sure he is out. Linda's motto was Blind, choke, emasculate (in various orders ;) Regards, Wendy

  32. I’ve had 4 different occasions in my life where I’ve felt it necessary to kick a man in his weak spot (I can give more detail, but suffice to say that all 4 thoroughly deserved it). On all 4 occasions, I had a clear and open shot and kicked pretty much as hard as I could, intent on completely disabling him. The results were that 2 of the men instantly collapsed and couldn’t get up, as I’d hoped. 1 man was in a lot of pain and hunched over cupping himself but managed to shake it off after half a minute. The last man expressed some pain on his face but just completely shook it off immediately and punched me in the stomach and then the breasts to “teach me a lesson” for daring to go for his nuts.

    I have to admit, I got an incredible sense of satisfaction and empowerment in those 2 cases where the men were just instantly disabled by my kick. I’d love to know if these numbers match the experiences of other women (i.e about 1/4 of men can easily handle it, 1/2 of men are completely immobilized)

    1. Hi Stephanie, thank you for your account. Occasional unsatisfactory outcomes might be because the blows did not connect properly or the men were "high". As mentioned below, more practice can do wonders and flip the luck on your side ;) Anyway, the other results are still commendable and that's important. I agree it can be very empowering felling through realization we have such a powerful tool against bad men. This was an essential part of the training and preparation for the real world Linda provided us throughout her course. It would be beneficial if other women on this forum shared their experiences. Kind regards, Wendy

  33. There's definitely a degree of luck involved in hitting the "sweet spot" - and you rarely get a second shot at it. However, the more you practice, as the saying goes, the luckier you get.

    1. Hi, proper targeting and good practice are the 2 keys. I like the saying because it is true. Nothing is bulletproof and sometimes luck is necessary but as always practice makes perfect. That's why I advocate for proper self defense training to significantly increase the chances and not solely rely on luck ;) Regards, Wendy
