Sunday, 24 November 2024

Jawbreakers 👄🍭 part 1

Popping a grape with teeth
There is possibly no topic more controversial than biting as a last resort of self defense technique, and several impatient commenters have been asking me to cover this issue for a long time. Maybe I delayed writing about it because it requires my earnest engagement. Not surprisingly, getting the concept of biting right was an essential part of Linda’s course curriculum. She always mentored us that it is important to keep our teeth set in good condition not only for health and beauty but also because one day can serve as a reliable secret weapon for some of the most effective (and surely brutal) self defense counteractions when in close quarters. Linda once said: “Don’t be discouraged that many consider biting some kind of pathetic girly fighting. You got to do what you got to do, which includes inflicting some serious injury by all means possible.” Linda always stressed she does not teach martial arts or sports but no-rules survival tactics and biting is undoubtedly one of such effective strategies highly applicable for certain situations.

Biting as an intimate activity can be also a good training 
Firstly, you have to understand what Linda meant by ‘biting’. It is not some kind of playful nibbling at erogenous zones that you do with your boyfriend as part of cute aggression during foreplay (no secret here, have a lot of experience with Tom) but once you decide to go this way, it has to be violent: sinking the teeth deeply in, munching, gnawing,  popping, or tearing to remove chunks of weak parts of male body parts: ears, lips, nose, tongue and not surprisingly also glans penis and testicles. Linda called these techniques jawbreakers—large American-style layered hard candies in the shape of large balls, you lick or put into your mouth and suck on it. Attempting to crush it, without softening puts your jaws and teeth at risk of damage, but when defending, this should be your least concern. As always, she also gave appropriate names for separate wounding techniques, usually referring to kitchen gadgets. I guess you can imagine what the cucumber slicer or cherry pitter means. Sorry for making you cringe, but it always helped with visualization and understanding the principle.

One of the downsides is it can be repulsive and when executed as required, it results in drawing the attacker’s blood and a serious risk of infection. Hence biting should be resorted for situations when no other options are available, for instance, your limb movement is restricted, your hands are tied, or when needed to be employed for additional strikes. Logically using teeth is possibly the most applicable during forced oral sex when those delicate male appendages are almost offered to you to take a good bite and send him into shock.  

American candy called jawbreaker gave the name to techniques
involving the mouth. They even come in egg shape 
Most of you are often extremely triggered by the fact that we were lucky to be granted the extraordinary opportunity to test our skills on our ‘toothsome’ darling attackers Bob and Peter.  Their involvement in our training and practice, was not a walk in the park for them, sure, and as for other techniques they had to offer even their most precious, bare reproductive organs for our ‘exploration and exploitation’. There is no learning without doing, no exceptions, sorry boys!😉  Of course, we did not bite Bob and Peter’s penis heads off or make chewing gums from their testes. Linda responsibly oversaw us and enforced a safe concept of exercises, but also carefully accommodated our different needs: some of us were shyer than others, some took (maybe too seriously) the issue of safety and sanitation, and some were concerned about ethics and Bob and Peter's well-being. But her arrangements and adjustment to the curriculum never came at the expense of our proper training. Understandably no excessively hard, skin-breaking pressure was allowed (this was reserved for genital substitutes only), but still, those two poor heroes left the dojo with some visible bitemarks on their willies and beans having something to explain to their girlfriends😊.

It sounds unfair and overboard but it brought a lot of fun, and creativity as well as blushes on faces, especially of those coursemates not accustomed to bringing out their fangs in bed.  Who would think there is a whole science behind the method of sucking a whole scrotum in the mouth,  firmly securing an ill-fated testis in the right place between molars before crushing it into oblivion like a grape, or how to completely severe the male head, I mean the one down there? It was as it sounds: dramatic, drastic, and deadly, and those who pity Bob and Peter I can't blame you. Just listening to Linda's detailed instructions, safety warnings and expected results made them a bundle of nerves.  Having a willing male partner and peppering your sex life with soft biting is of advantage, but in this post, I would like to touch upon the possible equipment, helpful for everyday routine and fostering your skills. Most of them you can buy in a local grocery store or even bake for yourself.  

Veggies and fruits: These are not only a healthy and tasty part of the diet but also affordable and easily accessible. Luckily we got tons of free supplies from Linda's garden. Their downside is that many do not represent either the right consistency, texture, or shape and size. Cucumbers and carrots are some of those obvious ones and can represent an erect penis, but biting through them is simply too easy. Testicular substitutes can be small fruits but be careful not to use those having a stone. Good examples are smaller unripe kiwis or cherry tomatoes. Just an advice, always wash the fruit/vegetable beforehand to remove the harmful pesticides and dirt.

Licorice penis batons 
Candies: Do you know those Chupa Chups lollipops with a spherical hard shell with a juicy chewy surprise insight? I was crazy about them when I was younger, I always could not resist, after softening it a bit by sucking and licking, then gnawing at it hard to crush it to get to the sour fruity but refreshing chewing gum. These threats are obviously quite unhealthy, they put in a lot of additives and colorants and tons of sugar, but as an occasional joy, I think it is acceptable. Good news, from now on, you can always justify buying them with the additional benefit of testicle-crushing training. 😊 On the other hand, I am not a big fan of licorice, but some licorice sweets often come in the shape of batons and even penises and have favorable firmness and chewy consistency. Unfortunately, their size is often too small for proper penis analogs. However, I found numerous recipes online, so you can actually bake them at home in the right size and shape. Sounds like a fun weekend activity, doesn’t it?

Realistic vibrators can be also
a multipurpose equipment  
Meat: Meat and meat products are possibly the closest substitutes for human anatomical parts when it comes to consistency. Taking large bites like a hungry lioness from a rare steak or ‘decapitating’ a hard paprika sausage to practice flesh-tearing and chopping skills can be another excuse not to always eat according to modern healthy nutrition recommendations.  

Sex toys: These can be quite expensive and nobody wants them destroyed in no time, even for the sake of self defense training, trust me.😊  However, their advantage over above mentioned substitutes is they come in a quite realistic shape, size, and texture. These true-to-nature substitutes can be used for acting out scenarios and a play-along approach with a dramatic ending. Some types of vibrators have a nice realistic set of silicone balls which can be highly applicable for practicing quick and secure sucking in testicles even those not so low hanging.

These are my tips but if you know any other good male genital substitutes let me know in the comments. To be continued…..



  1. How does testicle size affect this?

    And why it's just the tip of penis and not biting whole one?

    1. Hi, thank you for your question. These aspects will be covered in the following posts. But generally in this case smaller testicles in a loose scrotum are the best. The tip of the penis is better because it enables one to hook the teeth behind the groove and there is no skin also simply it would be difficult to exert a good bite with a whole penis inside the mouth up to the throat. Wendy

  2. Is it difficult to bite of penis

    1. I don't know I have never done it :) but apparently what Linda told us, it is difficult but when enough force is exerted and the right technique is applied it is feasible. Penis consists of two rigid elongated blood engorged meaty bodies, so it is not like biting through a cucumber at all. Wendy

  3. That must have not been a lot of fun for those guys to have to trust you and the others not to 'have an accident' with such an activity. They were out of their minds to allow that to happen to their genitals. Not only could that be incredibly painful, they could have easily suffered serious injury requiring emergency surgery. No doubt Linda, being the ethical 'professional' she claimed to be fully disclosed that activity to them before they signed on the dotted line, correct?

    1. If she was too open they would be too scared to participate. Nevertheless, she was professional and they did not suffer any permanent consequences and we learned some very useful stuff, that's it. Wendy

  4. Wendy, would the guy bleed really badly after his cock or balls are bitten off, and should we stay and watch what happens to him in case we need to do other techniques on him? Should we rush to get the attacker medical aid, or just take our time so he’s finished off for good?

    1. Hi. Well, it can happen if serious biting is performed. In any case, once the attacker is incapacitated the best is to flee the scene and report the incident immediately to the authorities. If the techniques were not sufficient and there is still a threat then yes additional techniques are required the best to have him pass out. Wendy

  5. So close to finally including a titty on the blog.

    1. Hi Jay. There was no reason, maybe for the second part of distraction and deception to highlight the best distraction method :) Wendy

  6. Why do you have to be so mean and sarcastic in your stories and comments? Are you really such a horrific human being as you portray yourself to be?

    1. Hi. Come on. It is an uneasy topic so I want to cheer things up. Sorry if I offend you. I am definitely not horrific that's just your interpretation. Wendy

    2. That was my comment Wendy. Sometimes I really do wonder. I don't think you realize how cruel and uncaring you come across at times in your stories and posts - just saying... - Evan

    3. What a perverse way of thinking you have when it comes to making a very discomforting narrative more 'cheerful'. Five or six women bite down on the penis and/or testicle(s) of two young guys - hard enough to leave bite marks in the skin, according to you. All that had to happen was for one woman to flinch, panic, etc. and that guy could be maimed for life - for real. And you think your comments 'cheer up' a situation like that?

      Same calibre of thinking and sense you appear to have when Ana makes 'jokes' about mutilating the testicles of Peter and Bob just before they are about to be on the receiving end of some new technique being practiced. What was that you said about you not being an horrific person? You sure about that?

    4. I would not say I am an angel but a horrific person? come on Evan. Yes, things can be tough and tense and uncomfortable especially when comes to female last resort self defense training but now we should all be fainting and pretending to be dead serious. Having a more lighthearted atmosphere made boys' participation much easier I least I think. Wendy

    5. You have a very perverse sense of what creates a ‘lighthearted atmosphere’. You find comments about mutilating the testicles of innocent male training assistants, and similar comments funny. If you ‘think’ those comments made their participation easier, you’re out of your mind. And no, angel you’re not. You’re far over on the end of the scale.

    6. Have a wonderful Christmas Evan. You should relax for a moment. Regards, Wendy

    7. Wendy, this Evan guy keeps following you aroudn like a bet. I'm starting to think he has a crush on you ... and would like his testicles crushed by you. My, my...

    8. Hi Marc, yes I also think he would need to participate as a test subject in Linda's course to change his mind ;) Regards, Wendy

  7. Es geht ja aber auch um die Sicherheit von Frauen und ich denke das die Jungs genau wissen was sie tun und die frauen mitlerweile etwas kennen ,wenn ich mich als Mann bei so einem Kurs zur Verfügung stelle muß ich damit Rechnen das es schon mal etwas unangenehm wird . Ich bin auf Wendys seite die Frauen müssen es schon realistisch haben sonst bringt es doch nichts . grüße Chris


    1. Hallo Chris, vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung ;) Du hast Recht, dass die Jungs wussten, was sie erwarten würden. Dies war ein Selbstverteidigungskurs für Frauen, kein Tanzkurs. Es ist äußerst wichtig, realistisch zu lernen, und zu trainieren. Dies wird oft vernachlässigt, sodass solche Kurse unwirksam sind. Tschüss, Wendy

  8. Hello Wendy, very interesting topic! I have to ask, would it be more effective to bite further up the scrotum to try to sever the cords, or do you recommend biting the center of the testicles themselves?

    Secondly, isn't there a risk of the scrotum tearing meaning you would essentially be eating the man's exposed balls? I'm not sure most girls would have the stomach for that...

    Regards, Daisy 🩷

    1. Hi Daisy, thank you for your comment. Well, this was just part 1, and these important aspects will be covered in detail in the following parts ;) Generally crushing the testis with molars is preferred as it mushes but stays inside the scrotum and not much blood is drawn. Severe tearing of the scrotum can happen also not that likely if focusing on crushing. These techniques are understandably among the most brutal and repulsive, and as a rule of thumb if hands can be applied unrestricted then techniques such as GTP are preferred. But sometimes life of a girl or woman is on the line and simply you have to do what you have to do. I will definitely discuss this further in future posts. Regards, Wendy

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  10. If I bite a boy's nuts off, can I keep them in a jar?

    1. You would not be able too

    2. Depends on the state legislation ;) Wendy

  11. What is your opinion on krav maga

    1. Hi, I cannot really comment on that. I attended self defense course by Linda. What I know krav maga does not neglect testicles as a target which is obviously a good thing. Wendy

  12. What you think about stomping

  13. What you think about groin stomping

    1. Hi, stomping is good when a man lies on the ground and you for instance want to incapacitate him to get the opportunity to flee. The power of legs is incredible and I saw Linda stomping some fruits for a demonstration and it made a point, I can tell. As always this has to be executed properly in order to avoid for instance penis shielding the testicles. In some of my future posts, I will cover this for sure. Regards, Wendy

  14. Groin grabbing is so overrated lol.

    1. Hi, not at all. It has to be executed properly in order to be effective. It can easily render a man unconscious. This is the problem most self defense classes do not teach. Wendy

  15. Can you write a story on your favorite strategies to lie to male partners while using their bodies for testing self-defense techniques? You seem to be very knowledgeable about this topic, and I am sure women could learn a lot from you that they could use in their own relationships.


    1. Good idea Evan ;) and Happy New Year! Wendy

  16. We need second part

    1. I am sorry I am busy but so my best ;) Wendy

  17. female lion eat bull testicle alive.

  18. Happy New Year Wendy. I hope you were responsible and only had one non-alcoholic beverage to celebrate. Regards, Evan. P.S. I won't send you any posts to read, honest.

  19. This very useful during blowjob. But have to teach girl chew hard enough to damage the balls and cause extreme pain but in full conscious, so they can control the situation. For example get a key out from the area. But how to teach girls using this technique, currently I already teach few massage girls how to defend them self when the encounter a pervert customer.

    1. Hi indeed, biting is very applicable and effective during forced oral sex. It can be done very unexpectedly and causes shock and incapacitation fast which can help victims flee in the most difficult situations. Masseuses are definitely at high risk and it is a valuable technique to know. Regards, Wendy

  20. Happy New Year (sorry for late^^)

  21. What is a better target inner opinion eyes or balls and why

    1. Hi, thank you for your question. This really depends on the situation. Eyes can be a good option and can serve as a starter for temporal blinding distracting and then going for testicles. Eyes are however generally overrated, and small´, you can attack them only with a hand. You need to raise your hand first or have it in the position. The attacker can budge or pry off your attacking hand. Now compare it to testicles: ideal position, larger target, very sensitive, can be reached by hand, knee, leg, elbow teeth, etc. I will prepare a blog about it. Regards, Wendy

    2. I don’t think you get enough credit for the time u take to reply to all the comments

    3. Hi, that's true. At least I got one credit now ;) I do not have much free time at the moment abut if the comment is relevant I will try to respond. Regards, Wendy

    4. Cant the attacker budge or pry of the hand on the testicles

    5. I have to disagree on the point that it is ideal location because the attacker will instinctively protect that area and kicks are hard to land because u can just close your legs and not stand square. And pants make grabs useless.

    6. Hi. thanks for the discourse it is important.
      So are you saying the attacker can't and won't protect his eyes? For eyes, you basically have the only option, and this is to use your raised hand. If you try to gouge his eyes he won't just stand there he will attempt to pry your hand off. If you secure your fingers around his scrotum as a lock as I already described, by prying/pulling he would just hurt himself more. Knee lifts or chops can be very unexpected and hard to block in that quick time frame causing sufficient pain. I know many cases women freed themselves fusing the advantage of the attacker's testicles but seldomly his eyes. That's the fact. Eyes are often over-promoted in courses just because the male trainers feel uncomfortable telling the truth. They are even shy to say testicles in front of a bunch of women. That's my take on the topic. Regards, Wendy

    7. Eyes will be less protected than groin because it’s less common strike therefore least expected. Good luck locking through pants and even f you did lock the attacker would panic and try to knock you out not pry off your hand. Knees and chops could work but I still believe eyes are better

  22. Hi Wendy im 41kg you still remember ? o sorry for inactive for a long time because less active online for months lol.. by the way happy new year to you, despite inactive for a long time me and my boyfriend still keep practice, he still continue the strength training for self defense and still willing to let me practice many strike techniques to his organ, even already with him for years i curios how come god design a weakest man part set up between their legs, even he's strong and big and his organ is large size it still sensitive.. one day during woke up from bed i saw he has morning wood so i watch closely and discovered his balls automatically move a little tight for a couple second then loosen a couple second constanly.. they are just like have their own heartbeat and life inside, i proceed to softly take the right one into my hand and use my thumb gently roll it and press a little to learn because this one accidentally suffered minor injury by me before during training.. it feel heavy and full, as you know my size and my hand is small both his ball combine size already well over my fist so i can only take one at a time to study it more.. im very fortunate he always let me practice realism such as often let me squeeze step by step harder to see how much he can handle the pain limit and that indirectly give me an idea how sensitive the testis is and how much power is needed to cause pain to extreme pain and give me imagination possibly can rupture if i do it using thumb nail press.. no matter how much he trained he still can't withstand over 50% of my squeeze power and often signal me stop and start over.. thats not even using a finger dig into the ball weakest part yet.. im still occasionally study his sizeable balls, and try to see if im able to use one hand to securely lock two organs into my grab in future, for the biting technique too before this post he let me try sometime after bath, he open his leg wide seat on the bed and let me try to practice too, i often attempt to take both organ into my mouth but it often fail because large size balls vs small lady mouth.. but can comfortably put one ball into my mouth only but without much knowledge even after he give some idea how to
    securely fix the testis in the mouth and use molar lightly press his ball to practice.. after this post it give me some knowledge and hope you post 2nd part soon to increase my knowledges..^^ and hope can see more punch techniques, upper cut punches details from you in future because you are more profesional to my boyfriend in term of details from this blog.. ^^

    1. Hi, glad you are back ;) Yes, it is quite advantageous to have a willing boyfriend you can explore the testicles and other targets. You can learn that they are quite dynamic and change position and even size due to blood inflow or get low hanging in high temperatures for instance after showering. This is also the best opportunity to start studying the structures inside. It is not just a ball but there is some very elaborate (and sensitive) plumbing. I also did not know until I probed Tom's testicle. The phenomenon of pulsating movement you observed was possibly the cremaster reflex. Biting is an important technique I will for sure cover this deeply in some of the coming posts. The skill to put the testicle in the mouth firmly and secure it with molars quickly is the key and training on the real organ set is important. When it comes to some real-life practice such as kicks and knees be sure you take care of his genitals safety. A good hard cup is essential. I wish you a lot of fun in training and remember practice makes perfect! Regards, Wendy

  23. Thoughts, Wendy?

    1. Well, I promote a good command of self defense and although some do no like the idea in order to be effective, I do admit many techniques are intended to do serious testicular damage even permanent which can lead to sterility. It should be your least concern, however, when under a sex attack. Regards, Wendy

    2. Serious damage to the male wasn't much more of a concern during your course, or the 'research' that other woman was doing either. Didn't you say there was a paper signed that prevented the guys from doing anything if they were injured?
