Saturday, 8 January 2022

The Nutcracker – the beauty and pain of ballet 🩰

When discussing the alarming negligence in wearing protection in many men’s sports, one commenter made a very harsh comment I should not stick my nose in men’s business but rather do something more feminine, for instance ballet. This comment just got me. Actually, I did take ballet classes when I was a teenager. Well not for long, I soon realized that neither do I possess enough talent nor the necessary endurance to continue.

Ballet means both beauty and pain

Ballet is not for weaklings. Any aspiring ballerina or danseur learns from the beginning one of the basic rules of ballet—pain means gain. Forgoing bodily comfort and embracing pain as a part of the training is essential to achieve the desired goal, in this case a flawless performance. In the comments we already touched upon the so-called ‘sympathy pain’ men feel when seeing other men being hit in the testicles. Honestly, I feel something similar when watching the party scene from the movie Titanic when Rose (played by great Kate Winslet) got en pointe just in her pantyhose.

I got a backlash from some of the commenters when I wrote that Peter and Bob offered their bodies, often without any protection to us girls for achieving realism in our self defense training and some argued that the pain they inevitably experienced (including the testicular pain) was not justified. Here I ask the question why an artistic performance is worth the pain more than the ability of young women to defend themselves in a life-threating situation.

I quitted ballet soon after I started, but my dear friend Amalie continued in her endeavor to become a professional ballerina. She studied an academy of performing arts and now has a contract in a ballet company. When we meet from time to time for a chat, she tells me a plenty of interesting stories, so I got a quite some insight from the professional ballet world. I wanted to see her in The Nutcracker so badly just before Christmas, but it was cancelled due to another covid wave. It is so sad how this pandemic took a toll on some professions.

Dance belt prevents testicular
injuries and hides the genitals

But to the point of this post. If you haven’t noticed yet, male ballet dancers do protect their testicles. Not only from the injury but also from the sight of spectators. They wear a special garment called the dance belt. In a way it is similar to the jock strap I already talked about before, but in a form of a thong. It has multiple functions both protective and aesthetic. When wore correctly, it lifts the male genitals up and onto the body and holds the testicles in the front and the penis pointed upwards.

Amalie explained me it is not a very comfortable piece to wear. Her dancing partner and her boyfriend is always relieved when he can take it off. Although not very convenient, without it any routine would be difficult or maybe not possible at all. Why to keep the male organs in such an awkward position? Well surprisingly the worse enemy for a danseur’s testicles is his limbs. Hanging loose, the testes would be frequently crushed between the thighs. And a danseur should fully focus on the dance not on his aching balls.

When Tom learned that I attended the ballet classes in the past, he started to brag in front of his friends he dates a ballerina. This is of course bullshit; I hardly remember the basic positions. Last time he demanded I show him some steps. I promised to do so only if he tries to do a changement completely naked for me in return. Well, not that easy move for a beginner but even more difficult with a swinging tender scrotum between the legs 😊.  As I expected, he ended up upset on our sofa ‘manspread’, giving his baby makers a bit of rest, and angrily commented What a stupid activity, this should be done by women only. I just laughed, patted him on his head and told him My dear Tom, I told you, pain means gain, and not only the pain here.  I pointed with my index on my toes.

Frequent compression of testicles between thighs might be quite uncomfortable, however, some of the most dangerous situations for the testicles happen during pas de deux, the dancing in pairs. For instance, when a ballerina does a pirouette and her knee spins around in a great speed very closely to the danseur bulged-out testicles. Look at the GIF how the danseur is focused when performing this routine. At this point a sudden loss of balance or misestimation of the distance can result in a horrible injury.

Another risky move are lifts. In this case a ballerina’s leg travels up and down inconveniently close to the man’s most sensitive parts. Any momentary hesitation or loosing the firm hold and her leg instead off the ground meets the danseur’s bulge. In the GIF below you can see such an accident. Luckily, this time the ballerina’s foot missed the partners groin by just a couple of centimeters. 

Amalie told me in her ballet company they have a nickname for such an accident, they called it the nutcracker 😊. So now you know The Nutcracker is not only the famous ballet piece I miss so badly because of the pandemics. Amalie also mentioned that these mishaps rarely happen during the actual performances but are quite common when rehearsing. The more inexperience the dancers are, the higher likelihood and frequency of such fails.

She admitted that once she accidentally kicked her ballet master in the groin when she was practicing the grand battement at barre. It is a move involving quick swings of the straight leg forward, sidewise and backwards. Unknowingly she is about to practice this move, he approached her to ask something when she suddenly thrusted her leg backwards and in her words My heel just lifted him up off the ground by his balls. It was so funny as he was trying to keep composure and pretending like nothing serious happened, but it was obvious he was in great pain. I felt so sorry for him; he lost all his previous cockiness but luckily no ball. He avoided to talk to me for days.  

She noted that some of these ‘accidents’ are not accidents at all, there is a lot of rivalry and competition between the dancers. Dirty tricks are often used to freeze out adversaries to gain opportunities etc. Outside the theatre stage, ballet is not such magical and glamorous world as many people believe. 

Some ballet steps resemble
self defense moves 
Amalie was very interested in the Linda’s self defense course. As all ballerinas she is beautiful with a perfect body, so she receives a lot of unwanted attention. She was thinking some of the techniques are similar to the ballet steps and it would not be difficult to learn them at all. She also added, Well, I don’t need to be taught about the sensitivity of the testicles this I know already. We started to laugh so loudly that the all the café guests’ eyes were on us.

Back to the topic of this post. It is important to note that the question of wearing a dance belt is not solely the danseur choice, it follows the visual preferences of the audience and enables to wear tights. The light padding smoothens the outline of the male organs, so they become less noticeable. Also, ballet involves vigorous movements and flopping and bouncing balls and penis would be quite distracting and embarrassing. It can even hide (at least to some extent :) any spontaneous boner. This also happens believe me, Amalie told me quite some hilarious stories. 

In conclusion, do I have the right to speak about the necessity of protective cups during sports? Yes, I think so. Do I support wearing a protection of male genitals during any sport or artistic performances? Yes, I do and not only for safeguarding the most sensitive and precious male parts.  


  1. 'Here I ask the question why an artistic performance is worth the pain more than the ability of young women to defend themselves in a life-threating situation.'

    CORRECTION: Reread the statement above. You are NOT asking that, are you? You are attempting to justify-for your own benefit and self-interest, that the pain men who participate in a female self-defense course -that is serious/severe pain to their testicles, including a risk of PERMANENT injuries to these organs.

    If your going to attempt to support your self-interest, at least don't make your statement so obviously deceptive.

    - Evan

    1. Evan, that's called a rhetoric question. The answer is the question itself. It is of self interest of a ballet company their dancers experience serious pain. But you are not bothered by that, are you? Wendy

    2. It is so unfortunate for you that you did not stay with ballet, it would have been the perfect line of work for you. Just imagine all those opportunities to 'accidentally' strike one of the male dancers in the testicles. Perhaps you could even cause the occasional testicular rupture? Of course, you would need to immediately follow with a 'sincere apology' to keep your 'mistake' believable. Sounds like a job made for someone like you Wendy.

  2. 'She noted that some of these ‘accidents’ are not accidents at all, there is a lot of rivalry and competition between the dancers. Dirty tricks are often used to freeze out adversaries to gain opportunities etc.'

    No! Really? I simply cannot imagine a woman 'accidentally on purpose' striking/kicking/whatever a man in the testicles. Who would EVER think this happens, let alone in ballet... It's almost as ridiculous as thinking that a woman would perform a fake cancer check on her boyfriend to enable her to pinch his epididymis, to confirm that it causes intense pain. More ridiculous yet, that a woman with a PhD teaching in a public university would promote that very thing to her female self-defense students to use against their own boyfriends.

    What IS the world coming to?

    - Evan

    1. The world is improving Evan. We women simply take some matters to our hands, literally :) It is normal partners explore their bodies. If a gentle squeeze of an epididymis was the only wrongdoing in this world we live in a paradise.

    2. It isn't 'normal' for women to lie to and manipulate their male partners for the reasons you lied to and manipulated your boyfriend Wendy, nor is it ethical or rational. It's just what you did/do...

  3. Great post Wendy! I particularly liked the part about the ballerina 'accidentally' kicking her ballet master in the testicles. It's great to hear he was in serious pain! LOL! As a bonus, he lost all his previous cockiness too! Worth every 'accidental' kick, don't you think?? It's too bad though that he didn't lose a testicle as well, don't you think? After all, you intentionally caused pain to your own boyfriend in a most devious way, I'm sure you also wished that happened too!

    Great blog Wendy! Keep it up!

    1. Whatever I write you would twist it so you can and use it as an evidence I am a man-hater. Yes I did caused my boyfriend a little pain, but this happens quite often and does not define love or hate.
      For instance some women slap in the face their partners when upset and cause them pain. For some reason you consider a gentle squeeze of a man's epididymis the most horrendous crime on Earth. Wendy

    2. Are you saying that you cause your boyfriend pain quite often? Do you really believe that it is normal for people to cause pain to those they claim to love? Seriously???

  4. “My heel just lifted him up off the ground by his balls. It was so funny as he was trying to keep composure and pretending like nothing serious happened, but it was obvious he was in great pain. I felt so sorry for him; he lost all his previous cockiness but luckily no ball. He avoided to talk to me for days.”

    I trust she could not find it within herself to apologize, since by her own claim, she 'lifted him up off the ground' with her heel. The amount of force that would require would result in very severe pain, and while I am sure she found it funny (so she said), one might think that a decent person could have choked out an apology.... Perhaps your friends are just like you Wendy - apologies are for one gender only...

    - Evan

    1. Evan, do you really expect me to accept all that comments you made yesterday? Get hold of yourself. It becomes very pathetic. You represent men and their rights here.
      Amalie of course apologized, although it was both fault. Simply it was an accident, just that she found his behavior to keep composure despite the pain funny.

    2. It's virtually impossible to have confidence in which post you'll accept Wendy. You certainly love the ones that agree with your position, ask supporting questions relating to it, such as the one about whether the woman should rupture the guy's testicles after he's unconscious or incapacitated. You love those. Many innocuous posts you don't approve; obviously the reasons are known only to you. Often I find you likely hsve gad a tough day at work; perhaps you broke your squeeze ball you use to convey hate to all the men you work with, and just really want to have sunshine blown up your nose, so during those times you only post what I call ' cheerleading' posts...


    3. Evan, I cannot approve all of your comments. Nobody would. You want me to be rational but you fail completely. I want you to have a rest from time to time. This is not a videogame, this is my blog. Open your own blog to express your opinions. I accept you hate me and consider me a man-hater and sadist so why do you need to write it 1000 times? If you behave and your post have some content instead of vulgarity and offence I approve it even if you disagree with me. Evan

  5. I just came across several posts that were made in response to a question posted on a site, and the name of the poster was of course 'Anonymous'. Somewhere on this blog you made the claim that you always use your fake 'Wendy' name when posting elsewhere, but that is clearly a lie. The responses I saw are without question from you. They are brutal in what they describe, and have your style, grammar, and no mercy philosophy, and reflect almost everything that is so characteristic of you on this blog.

    Even I was surprised by the violence they described. Wow. Pretty nauseating stuff..

    1. Hi, it is difficult for me to comment on this as you are not specific. I indeed promoted the last resort techniques elsewhere (never said otherwise) and it was maybe me in the posts you mention. Tell me what your response to an attempted rape would be? According to you it should be nonviolent, not brutal and merciful. I am really sorry it causes nausea to you but we are not living in an ideal non violent word. If there was no rape, no need for these techniques so you are barking up the wrong tree. Maybe I chose to be anonymous there for the same reason you wrote this comment in anonymity. I am happy to discuss with you any specific issues with any of the posts I made. Have a nice day, Wendy.

    2. Hi Wendy! I am a man and my name is Leonid. Thanks for the interesting materials! I completely agree with you that every woman should be able to stand up for herself, although women's self-defense has a downside, a dark side, which I personally encountered and continue to face thanks to my wife. I even had a question: how, having such weak and very vulnerable genitals, do men manage to rape women? It's so easy to deal with us! Sorry for my English...
      With respect, Leonid

    3. Hi Leonid, thank you for your support. You are right, self defense knowledge is important but can be unfortunately misused. I am sorry for any bad things you have experienced. If women become more educated about the vulnerability of testicles and the are taught proper self defense techniques, a large portion of rapes can be avoided for sure. Have a nice day, Wendy

    4. Thanks Wendy! You are apparently a very smart woman, since you immediately understood that I meant for the dark side of women's self-defense ...
      Unfortunately, more and more women are using self-defense techniques not to defend, but to attack men. Taking advantage of their advantage and the extreme vulnerability of the testicles, women rob men, rape or simply beat their husbands and partners, subjecting them to domestic violence. I will not say that there are many such cases, there are much fewer of them than violence against women, but nevertheless they do exist. It was domestic violence that I faced. The fact is that I probably have the weakest and most vulnerable anatomy: I have large and very low hanging, like a bull's, testicles that dangle defenselessly between my legs halfway to my knees. Plus, I have a low pain threshold. Back in high school, I realized how vulnerable I am when a girl kicked me in the groin, kicked me not hard, but in pain I fell to the floor. Going in for sports, I was forced to use a bandage or wear tight swimming trunks so that the eggs would not hang. and were not injured. And my wife, Nadezhda, was engaged in women's self-defense, karate, and skiing. My wife immediately appreciated what huge advantages she had and now she resolves all disputes and conflicts in her favor. She almost always attacks first, and I defend myself. She tried all the known self-defense techniques for women on me! She especially likes the reception of the GTR, against which I am simply completely vulnerable and defenseless. A couple of times I was nearly castrated and begged her to let go and not do it. Maybe somehow you can resist this technique? Or does a man with my testicular structure have no chance? Excuse me for such frank reasoning. Best regards, Leonid.

    5. Hi Leonid, although many angry commenters here do not agree, yes I indeed see the problem of misuse of self defense knowledge by women. This is of course not OK and although I write here about some brutal self defense techniques I wrote in my very first post, these are not to be misused.

      Well, I cannot tell is it is possible to resist the GTP technique, it is very effective, I just learned how to use it effectively. And I agree that your large low-hanging testicles are very susceptible to this technique. I suggest you try to solve the disputes with your wife non-violently. Wendy

    6. 'I suggest you try to solve the disputes with your wife non-violently.'

      How classis is this comment? The poster explains that is it almost always his WIFE that physically assaults him, yet your comment infers that it is him that is being violent towards her, and therefore HE is the one that should try to resolve conflicts with her non-violently, as if he is responsible for her attacking him. No hypocrisy here...

  6. As for the belerinas, they have very strong legs and are really very dangerous for the vulnerable male testicles. There is even a real fact how a ballerina killed a man with just one kick in his balls. Apparently the force of the blow from the drone was such that the testicles ruptured and the man died of pain shock!
    "The great ballerina Fanny Elsler crossed the ocean on a ship, not forgetting to take with her, among all the necessary for performances, her delightful jewelry. By the way, Madame was a very wealthy woman. He decided to steal them. And then, according to historians, the following happened: The sailor burst into the cabin completely unexpectedly. Threatening reprisals, he demanded jewelry. What could an unarmed Fanny do! With a sharp movement of her leg, trained in the dance class, she killed the sailor a kick in the groin with a kick in the groin ......... in 1910-1920s in Paris, young ladies from numerous ballet schools did not risk being attacked on the streets by bandits and robbers: a blow to the groin with a trained leg killed a dancer on the spot .. . "
    A ballerina is not only to be raped, it is even dangerous to argue with her! At best, she castrates you; at worst, you can die. What is remarkable, men knew about it at the beginning of the 20th century. The sailor apparently forgot about the terrible strength of the ballerina's legs.
    With respect, Leonid

    1. Dear Leonid, thanks for this very interesting historic account. You are right, ballerinas despite their slender look have trained limbs and a lot of strength. And they know how to kick and knee. They practice these moves all the time. That poor sailor did not realize that. Don't mess with a ballerina! :) Best wishes, Wendy

    2. Wendy..esta noticia parece un poco creo que una sola patada hiciera morir a ese casi imposible.. tú qué crees?

    3. Hola Adrian! Sí, es posible en algunos casos.
      Una patada puede romper un testículo y esto puede causar la muerte si no se trata. Creo que este fue el caso. Wendy

  7. The fact that the techniques you described, Wendy, work, is attested to by numerous cases of women being victorious over men. Here are a couple of real-life cases of women neutralizing rapists using their weak genitals. This is a complete victory!

    "Heels for man's dignity!

    How many women he raped remained a mystery to the investigation. In total, more than fifteen episodes were proved. The latter cost him dearly ...

    He attacked Katya in the Petersburg Victory Park. Threatening with a knife, the rapist demanded that the girl lie down on the grass, take off her panties and spread her legs. The girl, trembling with horror, not only obeyed, but also opened her genital slit with her fingers. The rapist, excited by such a sight, knelt down in front of her and was about to carry out sexual intercourse when he fell into a trap ...

    The fingers, preparing his way, grabbed his penis and bent it in half. The insolent man lost consciousness from the painful shock. The girl not only got out from under him, but also began to trample on his crotch with her high-heeled sandals. At the same time, she began to shout and call for help. Instead of jail, the man was taken to a hospital. After the operation, a police post was assigned to him and handcuffed to the bed.


    In the textbooks on the basics of life safety, they give a way to neutralize the rapist: when he reaches his manhood, you need to grab him by the scrotum and how to pull this place. Usually, the attacker loses consciousness from the pain, as well as the ability to think for at least a few minutes. Unfortunately, not all women decide on this kind of action ...

    But Nadezhda K. was not scared. At the police station, they were greatly surprised when, backing up, a woman came in to them, dragging the rapist by the ... testicles. There was a wild horror in the man's eyes. For the slightest attempt at resistance, Nadia began to twist his scrotum. However, this was lucky: he was able to keep his manhood almost unharmed. True, a man will have to forget about its use for a long time: for a series of attacks and rapes he will face a long prison term ... "
    In the latter case, the success of the testicle grasping against the male was simply overwhelming! No wonder I read somewhere that eggs are called a "natural leash" for a man, taking for which a woman can make him go anywhere and do whatever. He is completely under her control. In our case, he was simply taken by the leash to the police.)) I experienced this method myself, when my angry wife took me out of the apartment by the balls, when we had another conflict. Still remembering these moments, my drooping balls rise from fear closer to my body ...

    1. Dear Leonid, thank a lot for these stories. It is clear that Russian women know how to defeat themselves! How and when do they learn it? Bending the attacker penis is a method I already described here, good to learn it really works. Also initial deception and element of surprise can be helpful. Kudos to Katya for defending herself and ending the rapist spree. To the second story, I read about a similar story in the US. Yes the 'natural leash' is a good metaphor in this case :) The policemen must have been really surprised by such a unusual visit at their police station! For some sensitive commenter here, this it is an ideal self defense, the attacker was unharmed in his reproductive organs, yet subdued and immediately brought to justice.

      Leonid I am really sorry you have issues with your wife. Although I support female self defense, the violence is not a solution to family disputes. Have a nice day Wendy

    2. Hi Wendy! In Russia, there are also self-defense courses, they write about the methods of protection in the media, so Russian women know the same well about the weakness of men.
      And my wife generally claims that a man is much weaker and more vulnerable than a woman, despite his physical strength. Do you think so too?

    3. Hi Leonid! That's great women in Russia are provided with training in self defense. I think it should be a standard everywhere. Regarding the weakness and vulnerability, it is hard to say, I don't want to generalize. The physical strength is undisputedly, in average higher in men and can be of advantage sometimes. However, we do not have external highly innervated organs swinging between our legs. We do have sensitive breasts sure, but nothing compare to the testicles. It is also known that women have higher pain tolerance but we exhibit a lower level of aggression. All together I don't think there is a weaker or stronger sex. One thing is for for sure, and that a determined women with knowledge of self defense can put down an attacker of a larger size and musculature. Wendy

  8. It is so weird that men hate it even when you try to discuss the safety of their testicles!
    Is that a type of denials of vulnerability?

    1. Thanks for the comment. That's true, men don't like any mentions of the testicles' vulnerability. Even the use of the incorrect term groin e.g. groin guard. Be specific it is a testicle guard! :) But they should keep in mind you can deny it, but it does not mean it does not exist. Have a nice day, Wendy

    2. That is not true, we are proud to have testicles

    3. Bruh shut up already and get a life

    4. I’m a guy and I can admit that testicles are objectively weak, that’s just a fact. Doesn’t mean I don’t mind having them.

    5. Do not quarrel, be proud of them, fine but be also aware of their great vulnerability and that we know how to use it to our advantage :) Regards, Wendy

  9. 'How do you think we could convince men to wear a cup or anything to protect their testicles?'

    Thank you for your question. Yes, apparently it is sometimes difficult to convince men to wear any groin protection. Especially young men neglect the possibility of a serious injury which can affect their reproductive and sexual health. Linda told me that one of her colleagues teaching several sports classes showed her male students some drastic medical pictures of serious testicular injuries. She told them: If you don't want to end up with the testicular torsion or rupture and a blood-filled scrotum, always protect your sensitive balls. The university provides all the garments free of cost, so there is no excuse. She also teaches female-only classes and apparently, she used to tell girls to occasionally 'cup-check' their male classmates/sparring partner with a gentle slap or knee to continuously 'remind' them about their vulnerability. Guys with guards are then saved from any embarrassing moments. Again this is for their own good. Wendy

  10. You'll fabricate any reason to justify a woman causing pain to a man, won't you Wendy? So, a female university instructor actually told her female students to in effect assault the male students, and to you of courser, this is just fine. No surprise here at all..

    1. No, she did not tell them to assault their male counterparts. She told them for their own GOOD to GENTLY cup-checked them. If men were more reasonable and macholess creatures they would wear protection without reminding and no action would be necessary.

    2. Who the hell gives women the right do assault - gently or not, men because they think it is for their own good? Surprise! it's a female instructor! Who would have guessed...

    3. Nobody said that men cannot cup-checked their sports partners as well. Given how neglectful men are in this respect women have to take matters into their hands. As always. BTW a gentle cup check is not an assault. Wendy

    4. How classical is your bias here. Women kneeing/slapping men in their testicles when they (the females) are NOT being themselves being assaulted by the guy doesn't qualify as assault to you. However, a guy leaning over to seek a kiss from his unwilling girlfriend justifies her tasering the guy in his testicles, or in your own words - doing whatever she saw fit.

      What was it you said about not being a man-hating sadist again?

  11. Garbage. Who the hell gives you (or any female) this presumed right to strike (with any force -light or not) a male in his testicles outside of legitimate self-defense? I can only imagine if men started to 'gently' slap women in her breasts to remind her that it can be painful, and that they should wear protection (yes, they make those for women).

    What a load of garbage you shovel Wendy.

    1. Evan, yes we also wear support it is called a bra. I guess you would agree it is easier to injure testicles during physical activities than breasts. Instead of being upset, you should praise women they have concerns for male health and wellbeing. Wendy

    2. You are NOT an example of a woman that should be praised for anything relating to the well-being of men. It is the LAST thing you would ever be concerned about. Your ENTIRE blog and the reason it exists relates to the entire opposite.

      For a start, perhaps you could concentrate on paying more attention in self-defense classes you take so you don't 'accidentally' knee/strike/etc. the male training dummies in their testicles.

  12. Great blog!
    You are absolutely right, all women have the right to talk or write about testicles, we need to understand that is not an taboo subject, even though men try to make it taboo for women to talk about their testicles just because it is an embarrassing subject for men.

    1. Thanks a lot, I am glad you like it. Yes, this has been a taboo for men (understandably) but we have to break the ice and talk about this subject openly. It is important for our safety. Have a nice day. Wendy

  13. Hi Wendy,
    I know that most (if not all) kind of sports put men testicles in a risk of getting hit or injured due to the vulnerable position of the testicles, dangling between the legs without ay protection but the scrotum, I would agree that men need to keep protecting their balls at all time especially in sports, but i have a question about the dance belt, don't you think that kind of belt is not safe at all? as I would imagine it would move the penis away which means less protection ?
    Isn't that going to expose the testicles even more ?

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment. The primary purpose of the dance belt is to lift the testicles up so a ballet dancer can perform some moves with his legs that would otherwise compress his testicles and cause some discomfort. It also smoothens the outline so his private parts are not visible. But you are right in such a position with his penis out of the way unfortunately the testicles become more exposed for frontal hits, for instance with a ballerina's knee. Nothing is perfect there is always a trade-off :) Have a nice day. Wendy

  14. when men realize that their vulnerability is exposed even in ballet!!
    I think because men have been trying to hide the vulnerability of their testicles for centuries, nature has decided to expose their vulnerability! LOL
    Now we come to a time that men can't perform any sports or physical activities without putting their testicles at risk, even the non-contact sports are quit dangerous for their organs. I guess it is a way of payback!!

    1. LOL yes. Their vulnerability is common knowledge nowadays! So, guys, you have to watch out for your balls! A protective cup should become the most common Christmas gift (after socks) from girlfriends and wives for their loved ones. Have a nice day. Wendy

  15. Argentine tango could be even more dangerous for my balls compare to ballet.
    If the ballet techniques create a probable threat, the tango techniques create a direct threat...
    Link of proof

    1. More links from Serge, it seems he likes Tango :)

    2. Thanks, Serge, nice finds. I think these poses are intentionally suggestive. Tango at least to my feeling is based on some antagonistic dynamics almost like a fight between a man and a woman and these poses add to the notion. The man is the lead but the woman suggests with her movements she can dominate him easily. We have some Argentinian readers on this blog so maybe they can explain better :) Wendy

  16. that is girl's sport
