Sunday 6 August 2023

To hull strawberries (part 2) - death pinch 🤏

The tables turned for the guys. While Bob showed signs of relief, Peter became increasingly anxious. Death pinch sounded horrific, yet it sparked our curiosity. We all instinctively surrounded him so he could not ‘escape’ but at the same time, we felt for him. By showing affection and being kind to him we tried to mitigate his worries. Before getting to the real demonstration, Linda fetched a small chair and a thick textbook with the title Human Anatomy from the shelf in the corner of our dojo.

Peter was understandably worried but
we tried to make him comfortable.
When she returned, she waived with the book in front of Susanne. “I guess you know it well, don’t you?” Susanne nodded “Oh yes, I spent long nights with this book. I am so glad I already passed the anatomy exam!”

Linda had a pink sticky note on the page with the male reproductive system. She asked us to come closer to make a circle around her and to have a look at the detailed diagram. She started to explain things that you would normally hear during sex ed classes, not a university self defense course. Nevertheless, it was all extremely interesting and as we found out later quite relevant as well.

“Women consider testicles as some kind of two round marbles in a wrinkly skin pouch, but these organs are actually highly complicated structures. Like strawberries connected with the plant at the back allowing the flow of nutrients and water, testicles have some plumbing attached, ensuring their vital functions and all-way transport of fluids. Sperm is produced within seminiferous tubules packed inside the testes, two oval glands covered with tunica albuginea, a tough fibrous cover that acts like a shell and is not easy to rupture.” She was slowly moving her finger on the diagram to specify all the structures she was referring to.

The testicle is a complicated structure,
the most sensitive part is the epididymis
which can be easily pinched off.
“Immature sperm accumulates in the organ called the epididymis where it matures before it is released during the climax. This organ is a soft bundle of highly innervated tissue attached at one point to the back of each testis. Importantly, it is not covered by tunica albuginea and is possibly a man's most sensitive anatomical part. However, it is relatively small and hidden in the rear so not easy to target…but it is a great pressure point for hand techniques when you gained access to the naked scrotum, for instance during a successful play-along strategy. The severity of the technique used on this part can be adjusted; just light squeezing will stop any unwanted advance of a date or overzealous boyfriend and will teach him a lesson.  A full death pinch will help you to get rid of the most dangerous attackers. Maybe even forever.”

“Why is it called death pinch?” Louise broke the silence and asked innocently.  

Linda replied “Well, it was called like that by my sensei, she learned it during her service in the secret service.  It causes the death of the testicle as it cannot be repaired. It is amazing that even a pinch by a woman can cause such a drastic effect. Besides that, it is so extremely painful it can cause neurogenic shock and death of the attacker.”

You should have seen Peter's face listening to all of this and expecting to have his testicles in Linda’s hand in no time.

“For the execution of a death pinch, you need to learn to locate the structure quickly and efficiently. Let me demonstrate….”

She put the book aside and squatted in front of Peter. “Let’s see what we got.” She pulled Peter's shorts down to his knees to expose the young man's genitals.  It was hot at that time of the year, so Peter’s scrotum was hanging low, his left testicle visibly lower. The quick pull movement caused the whole hairy bag with two eggs and one meaty Frankfurter sausage to swing like a small pendulum. It somehow called for a witty comment, and Ana did not wait any longer. “Peter has got a full package!” Peter got blushing and we all giggled but it was all light-hearted. We all greatly appreciated his bravery.

Linda ordered the poor guy to remove his shorts and briefs completely and put his right leg on the chair, so she could get unobstructed access and we can get a better view of the probed object.

For training, the back of the testicles
should be probed gently like an expensive fabric. 
“Let me show you something first.” Linda gently put her hand on his inner thigh and moved it slowly up toward his genitals. Suddenly, the skin of the scrotum shrunk so the testicles bounced up, and after a short time, they went slowly down gain. Like a small yoyo! It was so funny, it looked like the testicles got scared of Linda's hand and tried to get away from her! This caused another wave of laughter.

Susanne, even without asking, explained that what we just witnessed was a cremasteric reflex. “It is the autonomous response of the nervous system, triggered by potential danger, in this case, Linda’s hand, by retracting testicles close to the body to protect them. Usually of no avail!” She sounded very sarcastic with the last comment. 

Linda smiled and nodded in agreement. She turned to Peter and looked into his eyes, “Don’t worry Peter there is no danger to your testicles, there will be just a small discomfort.” She then immediately put the fingers of her right hand behind his sac and flipped them quickly a few times like she was writing on a keyboard, so the fingertips tapped the back of the testicles resulting in Peter’s scrotum rippling. It was a gentle movement but still triggered a significant reaction. Peter bent over and released a loud uff. He pulled his leg from the chair, covered his crotch, and reproachfully looked at Linda.

She did not care. “You see, just a mild tap on that area can shoot a significant pain signal in his brain.” Then, without giving him much recovery time, she pointed with her finger at the chair as a sign he had to put his leg back and get ready for the demonstration. Although hesitatingly, he did, and she continue with her demonstration.

“Ok, let's find that magic pain button. Watch closely.” She gently took his left testicle in one hand and clutched her thumb and pointer finger of the other hand at the backside.

Locate the cord first and then move down
to find the head of the epididymis.
“To locate the epididymis, you start gently feeling the spermatic cord at the root of the testicle.” She gently rubbed the area where the testicle attaches to the body. Like this, she raised her hand and showed a mild gesture, like you would probe an expensive fabric.  

“The spermatic cord consists of nerves, blood vessels, and the vas deferens and is quite easily palpable. Once you are sure you have it, move your fingers down and it will lead you to the head of the epididymis. You will notice some kind of bump of a different texture on the top of the testis. This is the head of the epididymis.  Probe it with your fingers along its whole length so you get an idea of how it feels.” 

I noticed Peter’s body was shivering a bit and there were goosebumps on the skin of his thighs.

She suddenly changed the tone from deadly serious to playful. “Of the note girls, I read that based on the firmness of the structure you can tell if the guy ejaculated recently.” She then looked again deep into Peter's eyes. “Well, based on what I feel, I suspect your girlfriend neglects her duty.”

“We can take care of it later, right?” Rebeca nudge me with her elbow and winked at me.

Linda did not notice her comment and went on with the demonstration.

“Once you located it, you can test the sensitivity of this pain generator by squeezing it lightly. I emphasize just lightly!” The moment she said that Peter’s body suddenly spasmed and released another uff. 

Linda commented, “It is very sensitive as you can see.”

“Now to the real technique. It starts with fixating a testicle with one hand, like this.”  She encircled the testicle with her fingers, so it got completely entrapped and bulging at the back. “Once you have it securely trapped, use the thumb and pointer fingernails of your other hand to claw the structure, like a crab. It must be violent, and the nails have to be hooked and sunk deep into the tissue in the grove between the epididymis and the testis. Then add the squeezing, twisting, and ripping motion like you would remove the stem from the strawberry. Basically, you dehulled his testis and disconnect it from the main body. There is no way it can be recovered and will have to be removed. The pain completely immobilizes him and it lingers for a long time.”

The whole metaphoric expression sounded weird but at the same time spot on. Suddenly we understood why Linda brought the strawberries and let us remove stems with our fingernails at the beginning of the class. Just that we get the idea.

Emma broke the long silence. “Fuuu! That sounds horrific!” She put her head affectionately on Peter’s shoulder. “Don’t worry Peter for good guys like you it shall never happen.”

Linda surprisingly opposed that statement “Well, some attackers might look like nice and attractive guys first. Don’t get fooled easily, always be vigilant, and do not hold back when fighting.”   

 The tension on Peter's face eased only when Linda let his testicles hang freely again and she got on her feet.  

Linda clapped her hands. “Time for practice girls! Let’s go one by one, but again it is a delicate thing,  I warn you. The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with the structure and be able to find it quickly.  You are allowed to squeeze it just lightly to confirm you found the right spot. So please no dehulling.”  We all got the idea that we must be extremely careful with this one. I could not wait for m turns. Rebeca was quite impatient “Can we also get Bob for this training? You know just to try on different testicles.” She wrapped her arm around Bob's shoulder as some kind of friendly gesture. Her request was made in such a demanding tone that was hard to reject.

“Sure,” Linda nodded, “just get another chair.” I could hear a joyful yes!


  1. That experience must have been incredibly humiliating and embarrassing for both those guys, Christ. It's hard to imagine that either one of them would have signed up to participate in that course if they were told half of what they would actually experience, this included.

    1. Hi, well in some way it was beneficial for them as well. My guess is they would participate even if they knew it is not going to be a piece of cake for them. They are two brave young guys who are ready to take responsibility for our safety with all it takes. Unfortunately, not all men are like this. Regards, Wendy

    2. Why are you afraid of answering my questions to you about this comment of yours?

    3. How was having their epididymis squeezed beneficial to them Wendy? Explain.

    4. What other body parts on Bob and Peter are left for you and your pals to abuse before the two guys can tell all of you and especially Linda to shove the course and your collective abuses of them both up your collective asses, get their credits, and hopefully have to speak to or interact with any of you bitches ever again?

    5. Squeezing epididymis was beneficial for them to realize their weakness and to learn something about their bodies. Linda did not focus solely on testicles we learn eyes and Adam apples targeting techniques as well. Of course, Peter and Bob served as model attackers for those demonstrations as well. I would not lie those techniques focusing on testicles were the most interesting. Wendy

    6. Assuming for a moment there's actually merit in your claim (there isn't) then ONE demonstration squeeze from Linda would have been sufficient for them to receive the 'benefit'. All she would then allow each of the female students to do was locate that part of their anatomy without actually inflicting pain, but that's not what the course was about was it? Nope, it's all sbout causing pain- whether it's actually necessary or not.

    7. Yes, we had to squeeze their sensitive spot to learn the technique. As I stated numerous times the training was not the type of learning just by seeing. The benefits for Peter and Bob were that they helped our cause and learned about their anatomy as well. They learned they should respect women otherwise it can end bad for them. I think I explained myself clearly so please do not open this issue all the time. Regards, Wendy

    8. What did the females students learns about respecting of men, if there was anything learnded about that.

    9. Please read my post about ethics and etiquette in female self defense classes I think you will find the answer there. Regards, Wendy

    10. 'The benefits for Peter and Bob were that they helped our cause and learned about their anatomy as well.'
      Interesting how you are so free to state what the perceived benefits were to those whose sole presence during that course was to have their genitals kicked, grabbed, squeezed, etc. They could have easily 'learn about their anatomy' in other ways that didn't involve the risks, abuse, pain, deception, disrespect, and all the other negative things they had to put up with. Perhaps they also 'learned' that it may be best to avoid women completely, did you ever consider that? Would they need your or Linda's permission to come to that conclusion in their own lives, or would they be allowed to make it themselves?

    11. I read that story ab out etiquette when men are used in courses like yours. You expect men to sign away their rights and to risk their health for free. You also don't say anything about them getting to decide what they are ready to be used for, you way that the woman instructor gets to decide that. how is that fair or right? It is the guys that are getting struck in their parts, not women. your story does not sound caring or resecpting at all.

  2. How exactly do you think they 'benefitted' from having various female students palpate their testicles to locate the epididymis and then squeeze it? The 'logic' you use on this blog to justify your claims is beyond bizarre.

    1. Evan, you would greatly benefit from having you as an assistant in Linda's class :) No question. Wendy

  3. Wendy, if the guy is down after we pinch the epididymis on one of his testicles, to make sure he can't still hurt us, shouldn't we do it to the other ball? Wouldn't that also make the chance he would die higher so we don't have to worry about him at all?

    1. Hi, thank you for your question. Death pinch is already effective on one testicle. He should be out of action after a well-performed pinch. I suggest fleeing at this point. If he is not out and seems still dangerous, pinching the other testicle can be performed to increase the effect and the chance he is no longer a threat. But be aware that this basically castrates him. In a very dangerous life-threatening situation, it is acceptable, the choice is yours. Regards, Wendy

  4. What do you think of this?

    1. Hi, thank you Jane for the link. Very interesting video. She clearly knows an ancient secret martial art of handling male opponents ;) It is hard to see but I think she established a very secure grip on his testicle(s) and released after he was defeated and she was very satisfied with her approach. Those men standing around must have been terrified. If anybody knows the context of the video please write in the comments. Regards, Wendy

    2. yes, she had him on the defensive the whole time and was distracting him with multiple hits higher up on his body so he would leave his groin unprotected allowing her to swoop it for an easy grab. it is amazing how he was immediately rendered helpless and unable to stand once she got a good grip on his balls and started squeezing. he tried grabbing at her face but quickly lost the strength to do anything except grab her wrist in a futile attempt to get her to release his nuts. she even pulled his genitals out of his shorts when he was lying on the ground for a better grip. he is fairly muscular too which must make his defeat by testicle squeeze even more humiliating for him, and empowering for her

    3. on woman self defense videos to me this one takes the cakes, so dirty but so effective than a realist demo of the moves it would have end with the guy on the hospital

    4. Hi Jane yes, she exactly knew how to play the whole thing out and finish him with the most secure technique, the testicle squeeze. She did not stop until he was completely defeated. She looked very satisfied with her approach :) I would like to see her in a match against a real sumo fighter! Regards, Wendy

    5. Hi André, thanks for the link, Kathtaraz knows her stuff, she does a great job in demonstrating all the effective defensive techniques in detail. I like how she attacks the guy's most sensitive parts eyes and testicles in a sequence. Testicles first to startle him then attacking eyes to temporarily blind him and then again a very resolute kick to his testicles to finish him off. All is done quickly so he cannot respond in any way. Dirty fighting means effective fighting and is sometimes necessary. I wish all women see those videos and learn from them. Regards, Wendy

    6. This is another great Kathtaraz video: Outnumbered 2v1 but she manages to come out on top by kicking the first guy so hard in the balls he cant get up, then reaching behind to squeeze the second guy's danglers to get him to release her. So effortless when you know where to target

    7. Hi Jane, thanks for the link. Indeed a very good self defense sequence, striking exactly where it causes the best outcome. Does not matter they are two. And she is doing it confidently quickly and precisely. Kathtaraz simply knows her stuff. Her videos should be posted everywhere so women can educate themselves. Regards, Wendy

    8. Kathtaraz uses techniques like poking even squeezing the eyes, also grabbing or kicking the testicles on a context the guy is powerless to respond. Kath shows really clearly how depending the context a guy can do nothing to avoid being defeated by a way smaller woman. That alone i think its revolutionary on the way we tend to see and analize a fight, maybe overrating stats like size or muscle mass.

    9. Lol Jane a girl can’t beat a guy even if she has a hold of his nuts as he can just punch her back

    10. Jane is right, those videos are spot on. The hold of the attacker's testicles means a complete shut down he won't be able to throw punches. His strength will be lost and pain will occupy his mind. Regards, Wendy

  5. Hello dear Wendy, thank you very much for this blog post. I am helping my friend Gina with this technique. Unfortunately, it is also the case with me that my testicles pull up extremely as soon as Gina wants to reach for them, making it difficult for her to feel the epididymis Thank you Chris and Gina

    1. Dear Chris and Gina, I am glad you like the new blog post. Thank you for the question. You are right sometimes it is difficult to get to the epididymis due to the type of the man's testicles. The best are those hanging loose which can be grasped securely and cannot be pulled up as yours. The best is to relax and do the training after for instance warm bath or shower. This makes the testicles hang lower. If even this does not help I suggest focusing on other techniques. Tight testicles can be for instance punched in the back which also targets epididymis and is still very effective. You will learn about other techniques in future posts. Thank you Chris for helping Gina with her self defense training. Regards, Wendy

  6. Hi Wendy. I had this done by my female urologist to test sensitivity. There could be differences in the two testicles. In my case she pinch (not pulling of course) the head body and tail of the right testicle with no pain from me. Whe she pinched the tail of the left one I can confirm the "uff" sound Peter did!

    1. Hi Mark, thanks for the comment and your experience. I did not know there is such a variability in sensitivity in different parts of the epididymis. Could it differ from man to man? The techniques I present are of course to be done in full force so this difference does not matter, they ought to be effective regardless. I hope it wasn't too embarrassing for you in that situation and everything is fine with your testicles. Regards, Wendy

  7. self-defense techniques on TV ^^

    1. Thank you for the link, poor guy, he did not expect such treatment. :) Again no cup-much crying :) She seemed highly skilled, and the knee was correctly executed. It was good that although accidentally she demonstrated the effectiveness of a knee. She does not have to be scared walking in a dark alley. Regards, Wendy

  8. Ladies got to much holiday. Not good to have no wages I think.

    1. Haha, that's correct, but no salary for me for the blog posts either :) Wendy

  9. Hi dear Wendy, thank you for your tips.
    Gina takes them between thumb and forefinger in a ring style then slowly pulls them down so they slowly loosen up while massaging the testicles so I get used to them and they start to loosen, she could now find and feel the epididymis. When she felt the epididymis, I felt an extremely stabbing pain two or three times, she probably squeezed them a little too hard for a moment, she then asked me if it was okay, which I answered yes, then she was reassured

    1. Hi Chris, great Gina found a way how to get to your epididymis. We could see from Bob and Peter's reaction it is a very sensitive part, so Gina should be careful, she should start with only a slight confirmatory squeeze. Regards, Wendy

  10. To Evan, I wish you all the best with the moving. You are welcome to comment anytime (if you behave). Regards, Wendy

    1. Evan, you need to relax for a change and enjoy summer. Wendy


    Which of Linda's techniques is this?

    1. Hi, this is actually a variation of GTP or 'pick a plum'. There are different ways how to secure the grip on the testicles and this is an alternative one of them. I will cover the different techniques of grasping and gripping in some future posts. Regards, Wendy

  12. Hi Wendy, of course every man is different when you touch his testicles and each testicle could be different the same way it is not equal in size to the other. In my case the right one have less sensitivity on the epididymis than the left one. Usually anatomically the most sensitive part is the head, normally it is the part that get bigger and aches If you have inflammation (epididym orchitis) or cyst (spermatocele). About the exam I trust her as professional, so no embarassement from me.
    I was on the bed when she pinched the right one (from the top, head first, body and tail, 3 firm pinches) and then standing when she pinched the left one focusing on the tail, and I felt the squeeze of the tail.So it could be another factor affecting the tecnique. About force I don't know how much she put on them but pinches were firm.
    Anyway my testicles situation is quiet rare I know Linda would love that for her course!

    1. Hi Mark, we did not have much time to explore the sensitivity of different parts of Bob and Peter's epididymides (we could see the effectiveness of already just light squeezes) so it is interesting to hear there are. It would be definitely interesting to have you on the course :) I hope you are ok now and there are no issues with your testicles. Just thought that female urologists for sure know how to defend themselves! Thanks for this account, very interesting. Regards, Wendy

  13. I guess if one of the female students went overboard with this activity and destroyed Bob or Peter's testicle, it would be tough luck for them and a risk they should have expected and be prepared to accept, is that right? No compensation either of course due to that signed waiver....

    1. Don't worry they would be treated right. I believe the dean would find some way of compensation. Unfortunately, nothing is without risk. We understood how delicate that part is and how important it is so we were very careful not to cause any damage. Wendy

    2. So what's next on the anatomical tour of two young men's bodies for the purpose of understanding the best ways to maim and/or kill them? How about throat slitting, breaking their necks, permanently blinding them, impaling their anus with a machete, penectomy, and what else?

    3. Wendy probably preferes penectomy I bet. then maybe blinding the guy while laughing at him before slicing his throat open. She wants the guy to suffer as much as possible of course, that's her way.

  14. Your caption in that image says that you tried to make Peter 'feel comfortable'. I'm curious how you went about that. Presumably he was present when you nearly ruptured Bob's testicles and could well have castrated him. He would be very familiar with how Linda lied to them both, deceived, them and caused them significant pain before on many occasions. So, what did you do - make yet more promises (remember your phrase - 'promises, promises') that you would all be careful, and did you make promises that Linda would do the same as well?

    1. Their participation was, as I said, not a piece of cake and we appreciate that. It strengthened them as well. Regards, Wendy

  15. Hi Wendy
    Thanks for your words. I think Linda would find me an interesting and challenging case for her course. I still have to manage some issues on my testicles sensitivity with this urologist if she agree, happy to share this in your blog. By the way Linda during the course kicked a lot Bob and Peter testicles? Barefeet or with shoes? How much force she put in her hit (kick, punch knee ecc). She could quantify that?

    1. Does it matter? Linda and all the females were immune to legal consequences by way of a waiver both Peter and Bob had to sign, even though Linda withheld important information about what they would actually experience during the course. Wendy herself reluctantly acknowledged this. Wendy tried to castrate Bob at least once, but she was very disappointed when she was not successful. She did cause him severe pain though.

    2. Peter and Bob were our darling attackers and we indeed kicked and kneed them to learn the techniques effectively. When they wore cups we went almost full force when they were 'barescrotal' we took care to gauge the kicks not to seriously hurt them. We tried with regular sneakers but also barefoot that way it is much better to feel if we got the target correctly. I will write a post about a class we tried different types of shoes and especially high heels. Linda kicked/kneed them for demonstration as well definitely did not go full force because she is a trained professional and could easily rupture their testicles just with one kick. I would estimate maybe 20-30% of the full force max. Regards, Wendy

    3. Those experiences must have been very painful for those two young guys. Did they ever pass out or vomit from all those kicks?

    4. So, the guys took at there clothes off, stood there, and each lady kicked them in the testicles? What happen then? Was they allowed to get checked for damages or what happen?

    5. Even with a cup on that would hurt a lot. No different than getting shot while wearing a ballistic vest. It stops penetration, but all the energy is still absorbed over the surface where the blow/bullet struck. Not a pleasant experience in either case.

    6. Did Linda kick them when they were naked directly on their testicles? What happened to them right after that? That must have been a terrible experience for those poor guys.

    7. Hi, she did, but she did it mildly just to demonstrate the mechanics of the techniques and how to properly target. And the effectiveness of the technique was also immediately apparent. And if it was a terrible experience for them? Well, we would have to ask them. Of course, it was not a piece of cake for them. But they were brave young guys and were very dedicated to helping us to learn self-defense. Regards, Wendy

    8. They did not vomit, only at some points there were signs they were possibly very close to that point. I admit I kneed Bob once and he was not wearing a cup. I felt sorry for him, the effect was quite pronounced (some mild convulsing and retching) but in the end, he was OK. Guys also never required any serious medical attention. Linda or Susanne (a skilled medical student) knew how to check for any testicular injury, even minor like a small rupture or tear in the tunica albuginea or serious bruising. We had prepared icepacks and guys were allowed to rest to dissipate at least some pain. Regards, Wendy

    9. Did Linda mock them as they bent forward or dropped to the floor in pain?

    10. Hi, no Linda tried to be very respectful and empathetic. At the same time, she was a strict teacher and sometimes made insulting comments (not with ill intention, she suspected some 'acting' of the boys just to earn a break). She had to ensure we were on schedule and that no unnecessary disruption in the plan occurred. Regards, Wendy

    11. 'And if it was a terrible experience for them?'

      You're claiming that somehow standing naked in front of a 33 year old female martial arts expert instructor, with six female students watching as they are kicked in the testicles by her would not ne a terrible experience? What kind of a person are you?

  16. Wendy, if there was such a thing as a Cunt-O-Meter, with one being a low rating and 10 being the highest (worst rating), overall after the course was all over, where would you estimate Peter and Bob would score Linda? Consider how she recruited them and all those lies, plus all the things she did and said to them over the entire course.

    1. I think both guys and Linda liked each other (despite the tense circumstances) so the rating will be pretty good maybe 2 or 3 :) Evan, I am a busy woman who cannot react to everything you submit. Be rational for a moment. Submit what you want but do not expect approval and answer. I am sorry. Regards, Wendy

  17. How many time did each woman squeeze that part on the guy?

    1. Hi, maybe two or three times just to be sure they found the right spot. Regards, Wendy

    2. You gonna post about your experiences squeezing Peter or Bob’s epididymis? Was it fun, and did you really try to hurt them like you suggested you would?

    3. No, we learned to locate it fast and get familiar with the structure. Part of it was to squeeze it lightly to confirm we found it and to demonstrate the sensitivity (and indeed it is a very sensitive spot!). We tried to not to go overboard because if not gentle the structure can be easily damaged and causes sterility. We did not want to do such a horrible thing to our darling attackers. Regards, Wendy

    4. That must have been a very, very uncomfortable experience for them - to stand there naked with a leg up on a chair, fully exposed genitals, and have five or six women touch them to locate that part of their testicle(s), then squeeze it several times. Christ. They earned those damn credits just tolerating such a demeaning experience as this alone.

    5. Well, sometimes earning volunteer credits is not easy :) They might go through many uncomfortable situations in life. It is important they got those credits, passed to the next semester, helped a good cause (who knows maybe saved the life of one of us someday), and mastered their bravery and dedication. Regards, Wendy

  18. I bet the women really enjoyed doing that. Not so much for the two guys...

    1. Well, it was indeed a fun exercise. When else do we have a chance to do things like this? :) We tried to be gentle. Wendy

  19. To the guy that wrote that comment above.
    The purpose of the two guys being there was for the women to try the techniques on them and observe them in pain, and see how effective the techniques were. It was not supposed to be fun for them, and they signed a paper giving up their rights, so tough luck for them if they got hurt. It wasn't a garden party as Wendy once said. They are lucky they weren't castrated or killed by Linda just for fun if you ask me.

  20. The only use i see to this its to torture (that explains why the secret service lady knews it) or terrorize boyfriends (know some woman who use for this purpose , works great).Maybe to scare potential aggressors but that would cost you the surprise factor so you would not do it.
    On any situation you can do this move you can also use gtp and that works great too so why teach it? It worries me it may be counter productive to make woman self defense more maistream.

    1. Hi André indeed, this technique is applicable to certain situations only. GTP works as well. The difference is that this technique does not require much strength and does not require any free room for much of the movement to do it (e.g. pulling). It can be gauged so the effect depends on the severity of the situation. Linda took care to teach us a whole diapason of techniques because as many for different situations the best. The scare effect is sometimes important as well. But possibly won't be taught as a mainstream technique anytime soon :) Regards, Wendy

    2. Diapason - The principal foundation stop in the organ extending through the complete range of the instrument, or the entire range of musical tones.
      I believe the word you wanted was spectrum....I know you were trying to impress everyone with your command of English, but a). You don't have one, and b). You're NO intellectual.

    3. Hi Evan, at least we have one intellectual here who can explain me(us) the proper English. Diapason is used as a metaphor for range, set, etc. I am right on this one. I am really sorry, for the development. How can I help you? I am thinking of opening a new blog just for your comments, would that work for you? You have to understand I can not post all your comments here. I wish you all the best and you know how to contact me directly. Regards, Wendy

    4. Hi Evan, I want to help you but cannot do it unless we can write anonymously. You (and others) can write me at or message me on my Facebook wendy.eloe.3 Regards, nice weekend, Wendy

  21. mores holidays now too? not affords food that way i think. got to work many days first

    1. No holidays anymore. I am just busy. You are right too much holiday is not good :) Regards, Wendy

  22. Hi,

    in terms of self-defence and pain does it make difference if the guy has full or empty testicles? I mean like few days without ejaculation.

    1. Hi, thank you for your question. Yes, Linda indeed told us there is a difference which somehow makes sense. Full testicles are more sensitive due to building up internal pressure. I also discussed the blue balls effect. However, the techniques I present are effective regardless, just that sometimes it is even more painful. Regards, Wendy

  23. The epididymis is the balls weak spot, like "the balls of the balls" hahaha! It is quite scary to think even a small woman can end any mams sex life, no matter how big or strong he is, with just a pinch! They will soon learn not to mess with women :)

    1. Hi Kai, haha, that's true something like balls of the balls :) All it takes is a pinch which ends the organ function. Cruel, but rapists deserve that. Generally, it is not easy to precisely target this spot so good practice is needed. Regards, Wendy

  24. What are the chances that his girlfriend was "neglecting her duty" because this class made the boys nervous about letting women touch them there?

    1. Hi, hard to say could be a different reason maybe they just had an argument. The truth is that those two boys became more conscious of their weakness (before they were only aware and proud of their masculinity and strength) so for sure became more careful when interacting sexually with a girl. I hope they did not get scared too much.
      When being nice to a girl they should expect a happy ending :) Regards, Wendy

  25. Hey wendy. you told us bob and peter are quite atletic and you more or less an average size woman. All the responses made me curious. Did the guys get concious they would totally lose to you if you get one kick or one knee on their balls.?
    Or do they think they may have a chance to withstand the pain and somehow keep fighting?

    1. Hi André, sure they realized that their strength and masculinity are not everything (they were fit physical education students) and they can lose even against a weak woman. At first, they clearly had that common manly attitude, that testicle kicks and knees are overrated, and can shrug it off would just keep fighting but their participation as model attackers quickly taught them otherwise. That's why I say they also learned something and it was beneficial for them as well. At some point, they had to admit that. Regards, Wendy

    2. 'That's why I say they also learned something and it was beneficial for them as well. '

      I see, please tell us Wendy, was it beneficial for Bob as well when you kneed him full-force 'accidentally' in his testicles? Please explain the 'benefit' to Bob - be specific.

    3. I told you Evan, not everything has to be clearly beneficial. OK, during sports training, you get many bruises, maybe breaking a leg. Is it beneficial? Difficult to say how, but in some way yes. These things are not completely avoidable and are part of the training. Regards, Wendy

    4. Go break you leg and then yell us how it was beneficial to you. What an idiotic claim that was. 'In "some" way? Only in your justify anything mind.

    5. Breaking a leg can for instance tell you how important it is. Next time you will be more careful. Wendy

  26. There is no way that the average girl would beat the average guy. this technique would not work on me. Like just how do you think you could grab through a thick set of clothing

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. This particular technique is intended for the situation where the attacker removed his clothing and his genitalia is exposed and the women have access to it. The element of the play-along approach can be also important. Why do you think it would not work on you? Has any woman ever tried on you? I guess not. We could see based on the reaction of Bob and Peter just by light squeezing that part is extremely sensitive and causes immediate reaction. No man is immune to this. When it comes to grabbing testicles through clothing, it is indeed an obstacle I will make a post about how to overcome this. Regards, Wendy

    2. I still doubt that girls could beat the average guy. I doubt doubt you would be able to even get a hold on the testicles and even if they did they would probably hit you back

    3. I will share some successful stories so you will change your opinion. The man is paralyzed and cannot move, moving and trying to fight back causes even more pain on his side. Regards, Wendy

    4. Do you think you could beat the average guy if you had a hold of his nuts

  27. There is no way the average girl would beat the average guy. This technique wouldn’t work on me. Like how do you expect to grab through a thick set of pants

  28. hi Thank you for your useful blog ,Is it normal to urinate after squeezing the testicle?

    1. Hi, thanks for your question. Yes, it is possible in certain circumstances, and even ejaculation, but it is a relatively rare outcome. However gross this should not prevent us from using these effective techniques. Regards, Wendy

    2. Wendy, has Linda ever killed a man from applying the death pinch where it resulted in fully or partially castrating him?

    3. Hi, no I don't think the guy died but she indeed defended herself and damaged a testicle in some difficult situation. I will make a post about it. Regards, Wendy

  29. To a guy with links. I have to censor certain stuff. but I can post the Police Academy self-defense course in English. It shows that guys like to be under a female trainer :)

  30. Hi
    In the technique of taking the testicles and twisting ,How would an attacker react if he has both testicles locked in that position?

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment. Proper locking is extremely important so the testicles do not slip out from the grasp. Once the testicles are securely locked and the squeezing, twisting, and yanking start the man is paralyzed and cannot do much. He might try futilely to escape from the hold and he might start hitting and throwing punches but just continue with squeezing and he soon loses his strength and goes into shock. Regards, Wendy

    2. Is it best if the woman uses a technique with the best chance of killing him from the shock then? Will the ten second rule increase the chance he dies and is that why Linda likes it so much?

  31. I don't believe it is a common occurrence, but I've heard of men ejaculating (I don't think orgasming is accurate here) from being kicked in the testicles. Did Linda ever mention this as a possibility?

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes, Linda told us about this possibility. It is apparently some kind of a protective reflex of testicles, to release pressure, nothing like squeezing paste from a tube. It is gross and can have some medical risks but self defense is in this case more important. Regards, Wendy

    2. Medical risks caused by the ejaculation or medical risks because you have to do significant damage to a testicle to make it happen?

    3. Hi, maybe I was not clear. The medical risks to an attacker are irrelevant, I meant medical risks to a woman defending, she might get into contact with bodily fluids which may pose a risk of transmitting an STD. So washing hands and sanitizing thoroughly afterward is recommended. Regards, Wendy

    4. I was thinking more if it happened to your "darling attackers" by accident. Or "accident."

    5. Oh yes there was lets say an 'Accident' with a big A. LOL, Wendy

    6. What do you mean by "big A?"

  32. Why are do you hate all men so much? You are very cruel person.
    -Margaret S. , London

    1. Dear Margaret from London. I do not hate men at all and actually, I am not a cruel person. You must understand I just want to communicate to women the best ways to defend themselves. Regards, Wendy

  33. My testicles are resistant to these techniques 😂

    1. Unless you have balls of steel or prosthetic testicles I can assure you they are not resistant. Find a woman willing to learn self defense and give her a chance to practice, you will soon change your opinion. I guarantee. Regards, Wendy

    2. Hi Wendy it is not strictly true in medical term. I mean you are right about phrostetic testicles, but in particular subject (those who have spinal cord injuries or brain lesions) that could leads to a pair of testicles fully working and normal in aspect but with not sensitivity. That doesn't mean their testicles don't take damages when you execute one of your tecnique. But the man doesn't feel anything. I can take my case as example. I have brain lesions. During a visit with a female urologist I discussed this topic with her and asked to check. She kindly agreed altought this was a topic for a neurologist. I was on the bed and she squeeze lightly my right testicles. "You don't feel anything" she was really surprise. "And now" she squeezed with more force. It was the same. I asked how much force she was using and she said medium force. I asked then to feel the epididymes and she give 3 firm pinches as I already told in a previous comment.
      Or a third case could be some karate masters that can active cremasteric reflex on their own to pull up the testicles in the abdomen when are in a fight to avoid kicks and damages.
      See for example this guy in this video
      I think Linda could find interesting both of these cases.
      You think I could apply for a self defense course then? :)

    3. Hi, Mark, thank you for an explanation. Definitely, there are guys out there with less or no sensitive testicles for different reasons, but they are a minority. I hope you are doing well and there are no other medical issues. Indeed Shaolin monks can reportedly able to retract their testicles or harden them but again what is the chance of being attacked by a monk? Thanks for the video, Yes one can wonder if they have specialized stuntmen for groin shots :) Must be a well-paid job. Do not hesitate to sign up. You can for sure be an interesting model attacker in classes like Linda's :) She could use different types of guys and different testicles and sensitivities :) Regards, Wendy

    4. Hi Wendy.
      I think Linda would get mad with a man with no sensitivity! She could go very hard but not seeing a reaction I think would be very frustrating for her. Or for man with abnormal cremasteric she would block the testicles with a ring to prevent them to go up!

    5. Hi Mark, actually can be quite interesting. We would learn how to react in such a situation. There are also other targets on a man's body like eyes or Adams apple. Linda likes to teach about different situations. It is important to note that targeting testicles does not only have a pain effect but also a psychological as well e.g. to induce fear. Thanks for the tip on the ring :) She can put it on her list of all props and equipment she uses in her classes :) Regards, Wendy

    6. Be aware that a silicone ring block the testicles but also their bloodflow! If you keep them for more than 30 minutes they start to be swollen and purple. If you keep them for long (hours and days) you can have testicles athropy. It is the way someone castrate goat and cattle instead of pulling out them. (bloodles castration with band or burdizzo instead of open castration with cut). About me I would be interested to be in Linda class and offer my contribution, but Linda should check in my case the testicles at the end of the lesson for damages despite I don't feel anything, because they cold be! Has she ever done it to Bob and Peter?

  34. This post is great. I tried this technique once on a boy who wanted to touch me. Can I write his funny reaction here because of the pain? 😂 Really thank you, this technique was great.

    1. Hi, sure share your experience. This is a good way to demonstrate the effectiveness. Regards, Wendy

    2. Lol girls can’t beat guys prove me wrong

    3. Hi, just a light squeeze or a mild kick and you are down. Sometimes a pinch on the right spot can do it. You can search on the Internet for all the successful self defense stories. There are plenty. Regards, Wendy

  35. A week ago a man attacked me and he was trying to rape me. So he was completely naked. His scrotum was loose. I grabbed both testicles and squeezed for 20 seconds. But he didn't pass out. He just urinated because of the pain. Finally. I twisted his testicles and he fainted. I sent him to the hospital with a twisted testicle. Thank you for your training.

    1. Hi, thanks for the account, and kudos to you for defending. Loose scrotum is easy to grab and to perform GTP. Just squeezing is often not enough and twisting and pulling should greatly add to the technique's effectiveness. You should not feel sorry for sending him to the hospital, a rapist deserves that and won't be trying out on a woman again in the future. Regards, Wendy

    2. What is your favourite technique on the testicles

    3. Hi, I hope I will never be attacked again, but GTP (pick a plum) is one of the best techniques, and can be almost sure he will pass out. Regards, Wendy

    4. again? Have you been attacked before?

    5. Hi Jane, yes I have been sexually assaulted. I do not want to write about it now. I did use a testicle-targeting technique to get away. One day I will write a post about it. Regards, Wendy

  36. What is meant by the 10 second technique in squeeze balls?

    1. Hi, you probably refer to the 10-second rule. If you initiate the GTP and do it properly then he should pass out within several seconds due to shock. It can vary from 5 sec to half a minute, depending on the man and your force. Even if he shows signs of passing out Linda told us to continue the technique (all squeezing, twisting, and pulling the testes) for at least 10 seconds to be sure he is out. A security strike or kick to his bag can follow. Hope I clarified things. Regards, Wendy

    2. So, even if he is clearly NO threat, you should still continue to strike him? How is this different from revenge that you vaguely allude to in another post? Answer: it isn't.

    3. How do you know he is no threat, there were instances when the attacker faked his unconsciousness. You again have concerns for attackers and not women who defend themselves. :( Wendy

  37. My friend tried this on an abusive man and told me and my friends about this experience. My friend said to twist his testicles so that the pain will increase, then kick the testicle hard until he faints. If he is unconscious, otherwise, grab the testicles again and squeeze. My friend did this technique and sent him to the hospital with a torn testicle.

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. Kudos to your friend for defending herself. If he is startled and disoriented from a squeeze a good kick will definitely send him into limbo. She should not feel sorry for sending him into the hospital, rapists deserve that. Regards, Wendy

  38. If you could only pick one between squeezing, twisting or pulling the testicles which one would you say is the most effective

    1. Hi, the best is to do it all in one, aka GTP. If he has a loose scrotum then pulling is the best as it stretches the plumbing and can cause its tearing. If he has a tight scrotum then squeezing is the only but still very good option. A rupture one or both testicles is possible. Regards, Wendy

  39. Thank you for your great blog. How long should I keep his testicles?

    1. Hi, LOL You mean keep them in a jar? Or do you mean squeezing? Till he passes out and then 10 seconds for security. Regards, Wendy

  40. hi Which technique hurts a lot and makes him unconscious? Is twisting painful?

    1. Hi, the hand techniques such as GTP or death pinch are very effective and can make him conscious. Twisting is of course very painful as it stretches the connective tissue, and cords and greatly increases the pressure. Regards, Wendy

  41. Is the situation any different if the guy is muscular? Do you think you can defeat him easily?

    1. No, the situation is not different. No muscles protect the testicles. He can be a bodybuilder or an MMA fighter, does not matter, his testicles remain vulnerable. Muscular guys have more testosterone so they also often have larger testicles and this makes them even better target, actually. I cannot defeat a strong muscular guy easily just by wrestling but if manage to get to his bits, he will go down very quickly. Regards, Wendy

    2. Do the muscles make them more confident and therefore less worried about their weaknesses

    3. Hi, that makes sense (from their side) more muscles means more confidence in their abilities and physical power. But this is delusional, no muscles grow on testicles so their sensitivity remains the same. They just drop down heavier :) Regards, Wendy

    4. Maybe even more sensitive with higher testosterone levels?

    5. Hi, it is possible. I guess more research should be done in this area. Wendy

  42. How can you tell that you ruptured his testies and do you keep squeezing after?

    1. Hi, Linda told us it would be quite obvious. The tough tunica albuginosa layer will simply give in and a tear occurs. The testes will become soft and malleable and if you squeeze more the inside tissue will actually leak out. I know gross but simply if you defend yourself in a life-and-death situation and the threat continues you cannot pull back. If he passes out early (most often) you don't have to go that far. But always remember the 10-second rule. Regards, Wendy

  43. Hi, thanks for the explanation, I had a boyfriend and he was harassing me, I told him if he continued I would squeeze his testicles, but he said a girl's hands can't squeeze his testicles, so I said let's try. After 30 seconds of pushing, the begging started, I didn't let go until he changed his mind, it was too painful for him, and after that we broke up.

    1. Hi, his bad he should not harass you and be overconfident about his testicles. You taught him a valuable lesson. One thing, if you want to defend do not listen to begging or pledges. Good you broke up with him. Regards, Wendy

    2. you squeezed for 30 seconds? looks like he wont be able to pleasure his next girlfriend if he even has the balls to find one ;)

    3. LOL, I like your pun, Jane :) Wendy

  44. Bad words are not a justifiable reason to physically assault someone. That applies to both men AND WOMEN.

  45. So, if a woman says words that a man interprets as 'harassment', he is justified in physically assaulting her. Good to know. There's not a civilized country on the planet where that 'defense' would stand up in the court system. Not one. Even stating that you will kill someone won't justify the use of physical force against them until they ACT on their threat.

  46. Torbjörn Karlsson7 September 2023 at 10:47

    When would I GTP be warranted? And does it make sense focusing on one testicle then switch for the additional 10 seconds?

    1. Hi Torbjörn, well it is a serious technique and should be used accordingly. If the man is obviously about to attack the woman she can use the technique with no remorse. It should not be misused as if he is just upsetting e.g. because it can lead to serious permanent injury. Yes, often the woman's or girl's hand is not large enough, and grabbing one testicle is easier. It can be even more effective so the pressure is more focused and exerted on a smaller area. If he is finished (passed out) and after security 10 seconds squeezing I would suggest leaving the scene. If apparently, one testicle was not enough to incapacitate him completely switching to the second one can help to get the job done. Regards, Wendy

  47. Hi, should we push with one hand or both hands? Which is more painful and how can I soften his testicles?

    1. Hi, normally just one hand and use the other hand to protect the face from punches if they ever come. In some cases engaging the second hand to finish him is necessary. I will explain some details in future posts. Regards, Wendy

  48. Hi Wendy.. long time not active comment, my squeeze technique improved since. my boyfriend still let me practice on him, now i can grab and secure one of his testicle fast enough to practice squeeze, i notice my finger also getting stronger. he always trust me to squeeze until he signal me to stop when he no longer can withstand my hand pressure.. After see this post he let me locate the epididymis at the back.. i found out i only squeeze a little he already in pain.. we already included this technique into my practice list and i notice everytime when i continuesly practice this for several minute his penis start leak some fluid which im pretty sure is semen..^^ is it dangerous to practice this even if i squeeze lighter?? he try to withstand the pain and let me squeeze harder abit but he cannot lol,,, he even tell me to also go for full strength squeeze this area if i encounter a rapist after faking submission.. he still continue let me practice on him and often remind me to target rapist only one testicle is enough because my hand size can only secure one at a time but remember to crush it until rupture.

    1. Hi, kudos to you for improving your abilities via practice and your boyfriend letting you train on him. To have a real male body and testicles for practice is an advantage. Just a reminder always be careful testicles are very delicate organs and can be easily damaged. While whole testicles are sensitive, epididymis is the sweetest spot so no wonder the pain comes so fast :) Linda teaches no bullshit just effective stuff. Yes, just one testicle is what it takes and rupture is much easier. Leaking semen is nothing to worry it is just a reflex but if the training becomes uncomfortable for him give him a break. Regards, Wendy

    2. Thanks Wendy, this post very good details. He teach me punch technique too, i hope can see punches techniques from you in near future.. ^^ uppercut or knuckle punch etc to trap and crush the organs..

    3. Hi, sure there will be more techniques including punches. These are very effective in situations where you are close to the attacker and his testicles but cannot grab the sack properly. A proper strong punch can rupture organs as well so be careful. Regards, Wendy

  49. My wife did something similar a few years back... she made a comment along the lines of how if she really wanted to she could beat me up but never would. Being about 50 pounds heavier than her I scoffed at her, but she just raised her eyebrows and wile looking me dead in the eyes and (very quickly) slapped her hand into my sack. I let out an involuntary "oof" sound but she now had a grip on my man parts and wasn't letting go. I could feel her thumb digging into my scrotum somewhat gently but then all the sudden it like 50 pounds crashing down on my nuts at once. I let out a yelp curled up instantly. I guess she had pinched one of chords..worst pain I've ever felt, though she seemed quite impressed with herself. Since then on occasion she'll bring it up to put my in my place

    1. hi. sorry if its too a personal question. Since you discovered your wife, had the power to put you on your place despite you way heavier and stronger. Did that make it better your relation with her? did it make it more attactive to you she had a way to take all the power?

    2. Hi Ron, you should be proud of your wife. She knows her stuff. Yes it always starts with You can't beat me, I am stronger you are weaker, I can fight and minutes later there is a heap on the floor screaming and begging. Great equalizer. A woman should from time to time put a man in his place. Thank you for the story. Regards, Wendy

    3. It was definitely an eye opener! We've been married a long time, over the years she's playfully given my boys a backhand when I say the wrong thing but this really made me respect that she could in fact take me out if she had to. To answer Andres question I think it turned her on more than me, that said I've been minding my p's and q's since. I do feel it changed our dynamic a bit. She seems it like grabbing me rough when we're wrestling or fooling around now and it halts me in my tracks every time. Wendy, I'm curious if you feel she is out of line using my groin against me?

    4. Hi Ron, I don't think she is out of line. It is just her way of communicating. She simply uses a woman's tool at her disposal to say e.g. Look boy I need to put you in place now or You are not such a strong boy as you think. This is maybe the reason Nature positioned testicles outside the body. To simply equalize. Regards, Wendy

    5. That's an interesting perspective Wendy. For many years it was just assumed men were stronger by default. In the last 5-7 years I've noticed my wife become less submissive towards me and actually quote dominant at times. I've read that as women get older that can happen due to hormones but I'm wondering if you think that change could be a difference in socital norms? My wife and her friends like to make jokes about hitting us men in our groins which makes all the men squirm in our seats. In prior decades this would almost never happen but has become almost normal now. Do you belive women in general are more commonly hitting their men in the testicles to even playing field, so to speak?

    6. i study ron this subject with an ai. She told me in case the woman wasnt particularly smart or creative just going for the balls can be incredibly effective as a tool of potential domination, allowing her, the time and space to evolve to more psychological tactics or to compliment the ball targeting ones. As Wendy say, its totally possible even a normal woman takes control of a man by his balls so hope you dont feel bad on it. Its just like woman live being on weaker and slower.

  50. No offence Wendy but I don’t think you could really beat me or most guys in a fight. I actually believe that testicles are more of a strength than a weakness as they provide guys with more strength

    1. Hi, I think you are deluded. No, I would not win in a boxing match for instance, but in no punches-pulled scenario, I can beat even Arnold. Yes for testicles are one of the greatest ironies they do give strength via testosterone but they also take away strength when even slightly upset. Regards, Wendy

    2. Just admit you would not stand a chance against guys in a fight. And that goes for most other girls too

    3. If you faced Linda you would not return with your testicles intact, I guarantee :) Regards, Wendy

    4. I don’t think you or Linda would stand a chance. My testicles would be fine. I welcome you to try. What would you even do?

    5. How do you think my testicles would not be intact? I’d like to see you try

    6. What technique would Linda use that would not leave my testicles intact

    7. Have you not read my blog. Kicks, knees, and all the 'nice' techniques using a hand. These can lead to serious injury, rupture, torsion, or epididymis tearing. I guess your balls are not balls of steel. She called it a thorough ball massage. If you were nice she might spare your balls. Regards, Wendy

    8. I think my testicles would be just fine. I think you have been reading too many women’s self Defense manuals

    9. Well manuals are there to guide you in something. I think you should try to annoy a woman to find out there is pure truth in those manuals :) Regards, Wendy

  51. Hey Wendy, any idea what the blurred technique is at 17:55?

    1. Hi, thanks. Well I don't know :) It looks like a hard testicle slap to me. I don't think she removed his testicles and it needed to be blurred :) But nice technique anyway. Regards, Wendy

  52. Hi, thanks for your blog. I have a question. Is it possible to keep the testicles for a long time? How can I force him to do something?

    1. Hi Rachel,
      I am glad you like my blog. Yes it is possible.
      If you put his testicles in a tight lock by encircling the thumb and forefinger around the top the testicles it is impossible for them to slip out.
      You can then regulate the pressure and he will have no other option just to follow your orders :) Any pulling or trying to wiggle out will just cause more discomfort for him.
      Try the lock on a pair of plums in a sock or if you have a partner on him. But be careful these organs are very delicate :)


      P.S. I got the message but your address was apparently misspelled.

    2. I want to force him to do my bidding, but what if he escapes this technique? How can I force him to do my bidding? Is taking his testicles enough?

    3. Talked with an ia on it, Multiple and by surprise strikes on his testicles will end with you dominating him psychologically. The ai says its a good method specially for uncreative or not so smart woman. it also recommends you use the power and control grab his balls gave you, to found intel you can use for a more subtle, psychological domination style.

  53. Hey Wendy all this "i challenge you wendy to a fight" or the "i bet i can beat you even after you kick me in the balls" it made me really curious. i guess they can be
    1) Incels that just cant accept even a regular woman could beat them on a fight under certain conditions,
    2) Secretly submissive guys who just want to end conquered and defeated by a woman.
    Altough this is silly, its happens A LOT and not only on your blog, i believe it has the potential for an indeep academical study.
    What are your thoughs on this?

    1. Hi André, sure it would be a nice academic study. I do understand for some men it is difficult to accept they can be beaten by a weaker woman and reading this blog can be quite disturbing for them and actually some might like it. Well, obviously the best would be to organize a real match to demonstrate that what I am writing about on this blog is serious working stuff and such men would regret challenging me. But there is already a lot of evidence around the internet. Regards, Wendy

  54. you sure filter out a lot of submitted comments on your blog. i guess you are afraid of posting opinions that disagree with your own. you're not the first who does this, that is for sure.

    1. I think we already discussed this, I do post all types of opinions but they have to be reasoned and free of insulting language. Regards, Wendy

  55. Regarding to my last comment. If i felt the need to prove myself im man enough to beat a random, i would at least try to not choose one that knows deadly testicle strikes tecniques. So on truth im more interested on my second point.
    If you launch a very basic dice for man and woman they can be more or less dominant or submissive and we have problems with two quadrants; dominant woman and submissive man. First i think we can safely assume a ton of people fall on this 2 quadrants. Second. How woman can be dominant over a stronger male without being evil and heartless or how a man can show submissiveness without looking weak or little value? This is literally a world and Linda's finds offer a lot of insights. She managed to make 2 men (more to this date i guess) so on board with female leading they end up taking shots in the testicles. For the last quadrant sadly you still havent shared info. On the stone age i imagine maybe submissive man challenged woman to somehow lose to her and she likes him, and sadly tech hasnt moving forward for these man.

    It may be beyond the reach of this blog but find a reasonable answer to this questions may by itself make the world a better, happier place.

  56. Times for nother story maybe nows.

  57. blog lady on holidays now again. no stories maybe now?

    1. Just busy sorry, there will be another post soon. Regards, Wendy

  58. I regret to inform all blog readers that Wendy is taking three months off to attend her Master knitter's course. She will return December 24, 2023 to post a story about her favorite sweater pattern.

    1. Wendy is gonna hold a raffle when she returns, and whoever has their ticket picked gets to choose between a ladies knit Christmas sweater or hand knit winter testicle warmer knitted by Wendy (one size fits all for each).

    2. See, Wendy, despite being very mean at times, wants to show that she genuinely cares about the testicles owned by men who don’t assault women, so that’s why she’s raffling off these hand-made garments. It’s her way of spreading Christmas cheer..

    3. Hi Evan, I am just very busy. The knitted testicle warmer sounds a great Christmas gift idea! Thanks. But I cannot knit sorry :( Testicles needs generally lower temperature but freezing might not do them any good. Regards, Wendy
