Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Does size matter? 🍒

Testosterone and sperm are the
two great products of testicles.
No, this post won’t be about the importance of the penis proportions. There is already a lot of articles out there about this topic, and of course I have my own opinion on the subject 😊. But today I will talk about the size of the two tender thingies dangling behind the man’s pride. The testes are male reproductive glandsextremely productive little factories producing both male hormones androgens and sperm. In one of my earlier posts, I already mentioned that their size and shape do vary significantly among men, the average size is app. 4 cm (1.6 inch) in length and 3 cm (1.2 inch) in width.

What is the significance of the testicular size for female self defense? The first thing to mention relates to the varying levels of testosterone. For years it has been a controversial theory, but several recent studies finally confirmed that testes with increased volume do make more testosterone. This also implies, the more ‘testicularly endowed’ a man is, the higher likelihood of him becoming a dangerous aggressor.

Not all testicles are high up on the scale. 
Ironically, large balls also represent a larger target for numerous techniques of female self defense. For instance, during kicking and kneeing the risk of balls escaping the impact is lower and the chance of hitting them 'dead on' significantly increases. However, a woman with small hands might have some difficulties to effectively grab such a sizable scrotum. In this case the best option is to focus the attack on just one testicle and possibly to apply the divide and conquer principle mentioned before. On the other hand, when the testicles are small, they tend to slip out of the grip more easily.

Throughout the course, Linda made a really great effort to cover all the possible variables in detail. During one training session we looked into the importance of testicular size both theoretically and practically. As I mentioned before, she often used various analogues of testicles in her teaching. That evening she brought a couple of different types of fruits. Some were from her garden, some especially those tropical ones, she had to buy in a supermarket. She laid in front of us pairs of gooseberries, cherries, strawberries, plums, figs, kiwis and small avocados and gave us some perspective first.

Representation of testicles by fruits has deep historical and linguistic roots. For instance, the word avocado comes from the old Aztecan ahuakatl, which also meant testicle. And as you probably know ‘plums’ and ‘nuts’ are also used as colloquial expressions for testicles in English. She explained us that the fruits she brought depict the wide range of testicular sizes of men. The average testicles more closely resemble plums, but it is not uncommon that they reach the size of small avocados. Then she also mentioned that given the positive correlation between the testicular volume and testosterone production, it is quite likely that a woman would encounter an attacker with overgrown glands.

 Range of testicular sizes represented by various fruits.

After this intro Linda initiated a group work. Girls divide into two groups and discuss and specify which of these fruits resemble Bob’s and Peter’s testicles the most.

Linda, you mean just size-wise or also how hairy and wrinkly they are?Ana asked  humorously.  We all immediately burst in laughter.

Linda was smiling as well. This time focus on their size, but of course you can comment on other aspects as well.

We already got quite familiar with both of our ‘darling attackers’ young balls, yet we have not reached a unanimous opinion on the task. After a couple of minutes-long, very heated discussion the leaders of the groups were about to announce the outcome.

Ana started on behalf of her group. We finally agreed that Bob’s testicles resemble smaller kiwis by both size and hairiness, Peter’s figs by their size, but avocados how bumpy the skin is.

Thank you Ana, and what about you? Linda inquired the other group. Laura responded, as always quite shyly. Well, we actually had quite some disagreement in our group, but the final outcome is that both do not have testicles larger than these plums. She used her index finger to point on the two plums lying on the mat. However, some of us believe that maybe those of Bob reach the size of these figs. She then moved her finger over the figs.

Well, I see there is indeed quite some disagreement. Linda commented these results, OK, lets have a look who got it right. She called the two boys to leave their smartphones and to join the girls’ discussion forum.

Once they stood in front of us, she asked them directly, “Boys, will you show us your balls?

Linda used the fruits like a
regular orchidometer
They already lost their shyness and got used to Linda’s ‘weird’ requests and without much hesitation they pulled down their shorts and proudly exposed their genitals. Linda then gently scooped up each scrotum with her hand, removed the penis to the side with her thumb and by putting the suggested fruits next to them she was able to make a precise comparison. Exactly like a doctor would use an orchidometer. This measurement proved that neither of the two groups made a correct estimation. Bob’s testicles were more like plums and those of Peter were as big as strawberries. 

“You little bit overestimated their family jewels. However, both are perfectly in norm and as you can see they produce enough of testosterone to make them good sportsmen with nice muscular bodies.” She gently caressed their six-packs to signify her statemen.

Thank you boys for this kind demonstration! She looked at them with satisfaction and helped them to pull up their shorts and at the same time she patted both affectionately on their buttocks. “OK, now go back to your smartphones, I will call you once again for the practical session once I finish the theoretical part with the girls…”


  1. Wow! It must have been exceedingly difficult for Linda to restrain herself and not proceed to inflict horrific injuries on her two 'darling attackers' (sorry, training dummies). Even more surprisingly is that both Bob and Peter actually complied with her weird request, dropped their shorts and allowed her to touch their genitals. What a risk they took!

  2. This is hilarious! You're trying to rebrand the image of a woman that has done the things she has done to these two guys, plus is more than happy to sacrifice a man's sexual and reproductive health in the name of 'research'. You're telling me these two guys actually did what you claim? They should have been justifiably afraid that she would do something to cause them severe pain, right then and there in front of all the female students. After all, she would only have to post for two more training dummy positions...

    1. Maybe they were already able to recognize when it is dangerous for them and when there is a green control light on :)

    2. LOL. Oh, of course... They can 'see' when a green control light (presumably this refers to Linda controlling herself) turned on in Linda, and on those occasions can safely expose their genitals and allow her to actually handle them, without being at risk off God knows what. Funny thing though, either those guys' photopic vision failed them, or they completely missed seeing that the green control light was not switched on during the chili oil on the penis and testicle slap incidents, among others... So much for your threat recognition theory...

    3. You need to learn first when the green light is on and when there is a red light :)

    4. Did Linda have a traffic light or similar device, so the two training dummies could know for certainty the current state of her psychopathy, or were they expected to get inside her tortuous mind and determine for themselves whether she was very briefly rational, or in her more usual anything goes state? :). You know what they say, traffic lights just cannot be relied upon, can they??

    5. 'You need to learn first when the green light is on and when there is a red light :)'

      How incredibly idiotic this is. Bob and Peter were somehow expected to get inside the cruel, squirming brain of Linda's and determine her mental stability and intentions at any given moment in time?

      I have to say, you continue to create a new standard of lunacy for yourself with every new response.

    6. Evan, maybe it comes to you as a surprise but some people are equipped with emotional and interpersonal skills.

  3. So you know, ABBA have come out of retirement (again) to record their latest song, written in your honour. It's a slightly tongue-in-cheek remake of Dancing Queen, called 'Filter Queen'. I can't say who collaborated on the lyrics of course... :).

    1. Filters are good Evan. They filter out filth.

    2. Blah, blah, blah..

    3. This your most intelligent comment Evan!

    4. I have read quite a few of his comments, and he seems like a pretty intelligent man to me. I think your probably do not post many of the comments he submits, so maybe this is simply a reflection of what he sees as your generally dismissive approach to anyone that disagrees with you.

  4. I wonder if Bob and Peter had known about Mike's experience with Tina, and that Linda's 'designed' that activity, whether they would have been somewhat less willing to expose themselves to her and allow her to touch them?

    Of course, with your keen grasp on reality, you believe they should trust Linda, correct? Please tell your readers why that would be, given the numerous times Linda inflicted pain on them by first misleading them/lying to them. No doubt your reasons would be most informative...

    1. Of course, they knew, yet they still decided to volunteer. Kudos to them. Sure they somehow put themselves to danger exposing their organs to Linda :) But they are two brave guys, not some kind of wimps you tend to portrait them.

    2. The word is 'portray', not 'portrait'.

    3. Thank you Evan, it is an honor to be corrected by such an educated and classy commenter :)

    4. Classy? You inferring you are a 'classy' woman Wendy? I suppose if female liars that intentionally cause severe pain to their own boyfriends that they claim to love, are sadistic in nature and have a simmering underlying hatred for men is classy, then perhaps you meet that distorted definition of that term...

    5. No Evan, I am not, but you are a classy commenter, with some misogynic tendencies though but nobody is perfect :)

  5. "Of course the knew'? How is that apparent? It would have obviously been in Linda's interest to either not disclose that incident or not be truthful about what happened to the guy. It isn't as if she is a beacon of honesty now, is it?

    'They are not wimps' or something similar has to be one of your favorite phrases on this blog. You typically use it in the context of pain, that men in your view should be able to withstand X amount of pain (quantified by you of course) without responding to that pain signal in some way - remove themselves from that activity, do not repeat it, seek medical attention, etc. I am curious, is there ANY situation in which you would not view a man as being a 'wimp' if they did not comply with Linda's request or other self-defense activity, or are they (men) equally disposable in all circumstances to you?

    They 'somehow' put themselves to danger by exposing their organs to Linda. You don't say? Given her history, one (at least a rational, objective person) could make a rather compelling argument for not complying with her request...

    1. Yes, I think men should be able to withstand some amount of pain. It is a very manly thing to do. Maybe I am too traditional in this :)

    2. Could you describe what the limit is (to you of course) for 'some amount of pain' before you believe it is excessive, or does such a limit exist, if there is a 'purpose' (as determined by you or Linda)?

      Thank you.

    3. IDK, Evan. Women have to withstand quite some amount of pain during childbirth and it is also for a very good purpose and for benefits of men :) Men are more wimpy and have lower pain tolerance so the limit should be significantly reduced :) Wendy

  6. It's really exciting to read to you, Wendy. Both for the way you write, and for the content you offer.
    Above all I love the analytical and tactical way in which you deal with this matter. Emphasizing that everything requires intelligence and ingenuity to get the best out of it. And that not only consists of hitting a sensitive area of the body. Rather, variables, options, premises are added, which can favor or disadvantage the situation. Always looking to maximize the options and get the best out of it. Highlighting the strategy, the opportunity, and knowing your enemy.

    Really magnificent.


    Always wanting to continue reading your news.

    1. Thank you Vil, you are my best reader :) Best Wishes Wendy

  7. Hello Wendy, I absolutely think this blog is very informative for girls and women who wish to learn self defense and contrary to what some individuals might say I don't feel, as a man myself, that this blog encourages wanton violence against men. On the contrary, I feel that this blog as it's name indicates instructs women on how to use the most effective means for self defense only when it's absolutely necessary. It teaches restraint as well as intelligence when fighting back. So kudos to you! If you have any questions about what is like to get hit in the testicles from a man's perspective please feel free to ask.

    1. Dear Jj, I am really happy you like my blog and support my mission to give young women all the necessary information needed to effectively fight back and be safe. It is very comforting that there are men out there who understand the necessity of blogs like this and do not see it as a promotion of violence against men. I do have a lot of questions regarding the physiological and psychological outcome of the hits to the testicles. We women are very intrigued about these things but often too shy to ask. So please feel free to share your experience. Have you been hit to your testicles and how painful was it? Hypothetically, if you were an attacker would you be able to continue an attack after such a hit? There are a lot of controversies and it would be nice to clarify it with some real life experiences. Thank you again and have nice day. Wendy

  8. Hi Wendy, thank you for responding to my comment. I will now answer all of your questions as best as I can:

    Have you been hit to your testicles and how painful was it?
    Yes I have been hit in the testicles a number of times sometimes by accident against inanimate objets and sometimes by other people some of them girls. I suppose you're interested more in what it feels like to be attacked there by another person given the objective of your blog which is self defense and although the most painful blow to the gonads I've ever received was against an objet, I will only focus here on the hits I've received from other people. One of the most painful hits I've ever received from another person was when I was 18 years old and I was teasing this girl in a friend's house. I carelessly turned around with my legs spread apart, she was right behind and she delivered a devastating kick to my testicles. I recall falling down immediately to the ground on my knees holding my crotch. When you get hit there the first thing you experience is absolute shock and dismay and then an overwhelming feeling of pain in your testicles which cannot really be described in words. It's unlike any other type of pain but it's perhaps like pressing or squishing a bruised sensitive area but only far worse. Then the pain beings to travel trough your pelvis, your abdomen and your stomach to the point where you begin feel nauseous and dizzy. And as you probably know the rear part of the testicles is actually more sensitive and so kicks from behind are specially devastating and I was wearing sweat pants which didn't cushion the blow. I was on the ground for 30 minutes without being able to move.

    Hypothetically, if you were an attacker would you be able to continue an attack after such a hit?
    I would say for the most part yes of course. Even light taps can leave me in quite some pain. Like when my cousin tapped me there in play wrestling and I had to go sit in the sofa for 10 minutes. Things like jeans or other garments might cushion the blow but it will still hurt a lot. And obviously if you apply the techniques mentioned in this blog then I can't imagine in how much pain I would be.

    If hope my answers were helpful, always willing to answer more questions.

    1. Dear Jj, thank you for sharing your experience. It was a harsh punishment for teasing that girl ;) You confirmed kicks to the testicles from behind can be quite devastating. We learned it is a good way to free a woman under attack, by sneaking behind the attacker and kick or knee his testicles. Did the girls regret what they did, did they offer you any help? Thanks again for commenting Jj. All the best, Wendy

    2. jj stop being weak and sensitive, you need to man up.

    3. what do you mean by " you need to man up "!!
      there is nothing wrong about what JJ said, he is an honest and brave man, he is just trying to be helpful and express his feelings, it is ok to show emotions, we all know that it is very painful to get kicked in the balls, that is your weakness and that is ok, no need to discourage a man for telling the truth. I think it is even better for you to admit your vulnerability and live with it instead of trying to hide it, there is no shame with that.

    4. Exactly, I do not see anything unmanly in being honest! I respect all men willing to express their feelings and are not afraid to expose their vulnerability. Thanks for the comment. Wendy

  9. Wendy,

    Why don't you just fabricate another scenario with your boyfriend, and then arrange to 'accidentally' kick him really hard in the testicles. Don't forget to apologize, and try to sound as authentic as you can when doing it. While he is writhing in pain, ask him to describe his sensations of pain - intensity, nature, etc., along with how he feels emotionally at that moment. Take prolific notes and you can post your findings for all of us to see... Who says you're not a researcher at heart???

    1. He is my boyfriend and maybe my future husband. It is also in my interest not to permanently injury him :)

  10. What an idiotic question to ask. It's commonplace for many women to find it hilarious when they see a man kicked in the testicles- you're a good example Wendy. You actually have to ask if the young woman that kicked him offered assistance? Also, how is it that someone that 'fully supports men's rights and claims not to be violent or promote violence against men finds it acceptable that this woman kicked him in the testicles for teasing her? In the real world that is called assault, but in your world it's a 'harsh punishment' for teasing. Yet one of countless examples of the hypocrisy you display in your opinions and posts on this blog.


    1. I wasn't there, I did not see that situation Evan. We both cannot judge the appropriateness of her actions. I did write it was a harsh punishment, but maybe he deserved that. You are so sensitive Evan, you would call assault and violence if somebody just stepped on your toe.

    2. You're an ass. Your entire blog is focused on maximizing pain and the likelihood of permanent injuries to men that attempt to rape/assault women. Your comments here capture in many ways the essence of your view of men. You hold the view that a woman is justified in pretty much anything she does to a man, based on the rationale that she wouldn't have done it if it wasn't justified to begin with-circular 'logic' as it were. In this case she assaulted him, and you simply defend her actions by applying the above rationale.

      Your comparison of stepping on someone's toe is no comparison at all. This is just typical you. Hypocrisy gushes from your views and your posts.

  11. 'Then she also mentioned that given the positive correlation between the testicular volume and testosterone production, it is quite likely that a woman would encounter an attacker with overgrown glands.'

    I see.. So Wendy, does this suggest that a woman with breasts above a certain cup size has overgrown breasts? Therefore is there also a correlation between cup size and the extent to which a woman is a gold digger?


    Concerned Citizen

    1. Dear Concerned Citizen, you would probably need to understand basics of statistics. Yes indeed, if such a research is done somebody might find a positive correlation between the bra cup size and the golddigging tendency. But there is definitely hardly any link between the testes and bra cup size phenomena.

  12. Wendy, this post is very informative. The size of a man’s testicles is very important in understanding the best way to execute groin attacks, and it also informs us about his physiology. As you mentioned, men with sizable testicles will have more testosterone and therefore tend to be more aggressive and have more muscle mass: if you’ve ever watched high school or college wrestling (a sport fueled by testosterone), you’ll notice many of the wrestlers have noticeably large testicles imprinted in their singlets, a sign that large nuts may benefit in activities that require aggression and strength.
    You accurately point out that men with big balls are more likely to be the perpetrator in crimes, particularly as sexual aggressors. And unfortunately for these men, their large testicles are a major disadvantage if exploited correctly. As you mentioned, large balls are incredibly more vulnerable to getting hit and more accessible for grabbing. Correct me if I’m wrong, but larger testicles are also more sensitive to pain then smaller ones due to the fact that bigger balls have a larger surface area and thus more pain receptors. The whole idea of large nuts making a man bigger and stronger but also making him weaker and more vulnerable is very ironic.
    Than you for reading. This topic is very interesting and I hope women learn that no matter how strong a man looks, he can be easily humbled with a simple hit in the right place.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am glad you find this post informative. You are right, in wrestling, because the outfit is so tight one easily see some prominent bulges :) In other sports and martial arts, it is more difficult to judge as sportsmen wear more loose shorts or boxers but I would bet their balls are not small either :) It is ironic as one advantage: bigger balls-more testosterone and strength can turn to a disadvantage: increased susceptibility to various attacks and much higher sensitivity. That's how mother Nature simply decided to make it. For us women, it means a better chance to fight back. Thanks again and have a nice day. Wendy

  13. Was there a point to having them get their balls out in this situation?

    1. Hi. Absolutely! Maybe it comes odd to you but it was important to get to know one of the main targets of self defense and that their size varies. It is difficult to explain things without actually showing them. We had not had much experience with balls at that time. As I said numerous times Linda's course was special she went really deep into the subject and she did her teaching meticulously without any compromises. Regards, Wendy

    2. Sometimes it sounds like they should have just stripped naked whenever they came class. 🤣

    3. LOL, well yes would be quite practical, no changing clothes necessary :) On a serious note, we had to learn the self defense techniques applicable to the clothed attacker as well. Being naked all the time also brings the risk of getting cold meaning losing them for the next class ;) Regards, Wendy

    4. Just having them spend the first class nude would have been a good way to get the class used to the nudity, though.

    5. Good idea Jay, they were initially shy and maybe felt embarrassed but I think at the end it was not a big deal for them. Wendy

  14. Hi Wendy, did Peter and Bob have big penises?

    1. Hi, 'big' is a relative term. To my experience and opinion they have quite normal size penises. When flaccid Peter had a smaller one and Bob a bit bigger, when erect the difference was negligible. Wendy

    2. Under what circumstances did you have the opportunity to see their erect penises?

    3. hi wendy, I'm also curious, when did you get to see Bob and Peter's erections?

    4. Hi both, well as I said we trained for realistic situation (also rape attempts) when Bob and Peter were playing attackers and logically it involves them being exposed down there. Sometimes it became lets say too realistic, and maybe not a right word 'intimate' so of course they occasionally got a boner. This is a natural reaction and I do not blame them. We also had some 'interaction' with them in the locker rooms. Regards, Wendy

    5. Hey Wendy, given your obvious hatred of men, didn't Bob and Peter (especially Bob) tell you to stay away from the men's locker room? Didn't you have ANY respect for their privacy, or did your hatred and loathing of men compel you to violate their privacy whenever you could??

    6. We have seen them naked during the training so no need for any fake prudism afterward. They did not have to feel shamefaced of their fit naked bodies.

  15. That's very interesting-- so you got to hit and/or squeeze their testicles while they had erections? Can you talk about how that affects the techniques?

    I'm also very curious what you're referring to when you say you had 'interactions' in the locker rooms. Can you go into more detail? Wouldn't the guys and girls have different locker rooms normally? Was that not the case here? What kinds of things took place in the locker room?

    1. Hi,
      Hopefully Wendy doesn't mind if I try to answer your technical question: while the guy has an erection, his scrotum is tighter. This makes it a bit hard to grab the testicles, but easier to hit them spot-on, in particular with knee strikes. Moreover the erection allows to attack the penis as well, going for
      what is called a penile fracture:

      Hope this helps, Max

    2. Yes, that's true. We tried the techniques for different scenarios and it involved also the case they had an erection. Not saying it was all the time, but the training involved some close physical contact and it of course triggered some male natural reaction :) As Max mentioned during arousal the scrotum becomes much tighter so it is difficult to grab and especially to put it in a secure lock. Still doable but require some practice. Here, quite applicable is the nutcracker technique for instance, because you don't need to grasp them completely, just to fix them in place. As Max mentioned knees but also punches work extremely well on tight scrota. Important to mention testicles become even more sensitive upon arousal and their preparation for ejaculation enhancing the effectiveness of any technique.
      Regarding the interaction. Yes naturally there were separate locker rooms for boys and girls but nobody could prevent visiting each other :) So how to put it in words..., we simply could continue the self defense training there out of sight of Linda and 'explore' their bodies even further, who would miss the opportunity with such handsome and fit boys. It was also to appreciate their involvement and payback. It involves some intimate things but at some point, I will write a post about it. Regards, Wendy

    3. Hi Wendy, are you implying that in the locker room, you could hit Bob and Peter in the balls more forcefully, and enjoy how they reacted to having their testicles hit quite hard, whereas in class you didn't want to hit them so hard in front of Linda? It seems like the locker room could be a good place to learn valuable information about how a guy reacts to having his testicles struck full force, which would be quite useful practice considering how that more closely mirrors real life events.

    4. Hi, thank you for your comment, indeed in the locker room from the sight of Linda we could do different 'things'. Of course, we were quite curious about some aspects of their anatomy and physiology and eager to test them thoroughly :) It was also more intimate to be in the locker room than in the dojo and also more 'soundproof'. So yea ironically the best training happens in the locker room LOL. Regards, Wendy

    5. Bringing up the soundproofing makes it sound like you were actually torturing them.

    6. LOL, not at all :) Just not everybody around the gym and campus should hear that we are having some fun :)

  16. Usually the size is 5cm length..

    1. Penis or testicles? :)

    2. Testicle. i think 4cm x 3cm is on normal smaller side.. anyway this is one of the good blog so far which i also show it to my gf to add in her self defense and sex organ knowldge lol..

  17. This could also help smaller, weaker guys against bigger ones. Do you teach any guys in your classes? Smaller guys might take advantage of the fact that they're less vulnerable

    1. Hi, no it was for female university students only. We used Bob and Peter as our training dummies. The techniques I present on this blog can be used for guys as well. Regards, Wendy

  18. Bigger testicles are more satisfying to hit.

    1. Hi Jane, the bigger balls usually means usually more testosterone and aggressiveness so yeah it is nice to put such a thug in his place. Regards, Wendy

    2. Jane is there contact on you

    3. Anonymous guy, send me $500,000 and your left ball in a jar and we can talk.

  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-oUsQ8mNiU
    5 Facts about Testicle Size and How to Enlarge Them.

  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2MO28xholI
