Saturday, 7 May 2022

One ring 💍 to rule them all!

Maybe I disappoint all Tolkien fans among readers of this blog, but this post is not going to be about the Lord of the Rings masterpiece. It will be about an important and often overlooked aspect when a woman is using her hand for testicle-targeting anti-rape techniques, some of which I already mentioned here and here.

Lock your fingers as you would put
 a padlock on his testicles 
The initial step of these techniques is always to put the attacker’s testicles in a tight lock and secure the grip with her hand so they cannot slip away. This can be effectively done by encircling your thumb and forefinger like you would be making an OK sign as close to the body as possible creating a really tight ring. If you imagine, testicles are formed by a skin sack—scrotum which contains two egg-shaped glans testes. Enclosing the root of the scrotum and the spermatic cords basically separate the testes from the body and they snugly come in the palm of your hand. It’s like putting a padlock on the testicles.

As always, in reality, it is not as easy as it sounds. One of the limiting factors is the size of the woman’s hand, but it also strongly depends on whether the attacker’s testicles hang low or are tightly packed (naturally, because of low temperature or man’s arousal). When the testicles are small, the lock can be applied to the whole scrotum. Quite often because of the circumstances such as a small woman’s hand and/or sizeable testicles, targeting a single testicle should be preferred. In this case, you should use your thumb or the forefinger (depending on the angle of the attack, and whether using your left or right hand) to push it between the testicles to separate them first, and then use the other finger to finalize the deadly ring around the top of the testicle. Choose the testicle hanging lower (usually the left one). In the case, that the attacker has a tight ball sack you have to push both fingers forcefully inside the pubic floor to effectively fish out the testes. Keep in mind that on how successful this first step is, depends the accomplishment of the following actions such as twisting, squeezing, and pulling. So it is important not to rely on just light grabbing.  

Depiction of the locking mechanism
in Susan Smith's book
The initial instinct of a man is to budge and/or to try to pry your hand out of him but once you apply the lock properly his effort is to no avail, any movement on his or your part just increases the pressure and causes a painful tug on his sensitive organ(s). It is imperative not to lose the clutch and with all your might keep the fingers as rigidly fastened as possible. In Susan Smith’s book Fear or Freedom, you can see a very good illustration of the proper application of the locking mechanism.

As you can see it is not a trivial move and Linda was very particular that we understand the principle and practice this thoroughly so we can execute it effectively when desperately needed.  

As I mentioned before Linda sought to relate the principle of the techniques to known things and common activities. When explaining to us this step she asked us Have you seen milking a cow in real?  We all shook our heads no. Aaah, I see, city girls! Linda smiled. She then played us a video on her tablet depicting milking a cow. A young female farmer was grasping a teat and squeezing milk out into a bucket in quick successive movements.

Grabbing testicles is like milking a cow
Linda commented Now imagine this teat is the attackers’ testicle. Look how the girl forms the ring up as close to the udder as possible and then pushes down. It is like you want to desperately push the rest of the paste out from a tube. In this case, she squeezes out the milk. Pinching or grabbing just the tip of the teat would not work.

Obviously, we did not have a cow at disposal in our dojo, but as always fake silicone testicles came in very handy.  Linda held the toy with her left hand on one end and with her right hand, she slowly put the thinner area above the testicles into a lock by forming the OK sign and enclosing her fingers.  You see these bits now cannot escape regardless of how hard I pull or try to wiggle them out.  She rotated her hands so we can see it from all angles. She continued Now, I have them secured in my hand and I can easily crush them to a pulp with the combination of the strength of my palm and the fingers as we did with the two walnuts exercise.

As always, she wouldn’t let us go without trying out the ‘technique of the day’ on a real set of testicles. And we all were in great anticipation as we knew this is going to be hilarious.  Are we going to milk our guys? asked Laura sarcastically. Emma added immediately If so, we need a basket and an apron.  

We all burst into laughter including Bob and Peter standing close by, who started to blush cutely.  Linda did not like this kind of pubertal banter in her course. She rolled her eyes like she is over this, but I could see a little smirk on her face “Stop it, this is a serious business.” Obviously, our darling attackers were a little bit hesitant to step in.  So, she stood behind them gently pushed them forward, patted both on their shoulders, and asked them “Gentlemen, will you be so kind as to show us your testicles?...”