Thursday 20 August 2020

Debunking common myths

One of the major controversies in teaching self defense is whether testicles should be considered a recommended target. Some self defense experts claim women should not be told to attack the assailant's testicles and they list several reasons for that. However, these are old misconceptions, sometimes subconsciously perpetuated due to the reasons mentioned in my previous post. Here I would like to debunk these dangerous myths.

It would just make him angry and more violent. Possibly, if you do not execute it correctly or too lightly. In order to be effective, the techniques have to be practice extensively and when needed, executed without hesitation and with full force. The aim should always be to do the maximal damage and injury possible. This ensures he is either incapacitated by an overwhelming pain, in shock or even unconscious, hence no more a threat to you.

It takes a long time till he registers the pain.  Indeed, it might take some time till the pain signal reaches his brain, however this is usually within a time frame of a few seconds.  Just go to YouTube and watch any MMA match featuring a groin shot. The moment testicles are hit, even the strongest guy goes down almost instantly. Two seconds delay does not matter, this won’t be enough for him to do any harm to you.  

He expects it and protects his testicles. This is partially true, men usually realize their vulnerability sometime during their early age and since then anxiously guard them. This is a logical behavioral phenomenon,  however, it can be easily overcome. I advise to firstly drop his guard by using a distraction method or so-called play along approach for the most brutal last resort techniques.  Importantly, women should be trained not to telegraph their moves. A sudden eye jab or just a slap in the face is usually enough to forget about his vulnerability for a moment. And before he realizes his mistake it’s too late and a good load of pain rushes through his body. One should also keep in mind, it is not that easy for him to protect his testicles due to their awkward position and when his hands are occupied. 

It is generally difficult to attack testicles. Testicles are positioned approximately in the center of the man’s body and depending on his and your position are reachable by your legs, knees, elbows, hands and even your head. It is not easier to attack eyes, ears, Adam's apple or knees. Any woman can be trained to execute the testicle strikes effectively but it requires a teacher's dedication which is unfortunately often  missing. Everything has its pros and cons. In this case the pros clearly overweight the cons.  

It is not that painful.  Well, this young guy probably thinks otherwise.


  1. Male self-defense instructors frequently ignore the testicles as a target and say don't bother going for them. But you'll notice these guys all wear groin protectors. Any woman who's ever hit a man in the balls knows how effective it is.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Absolutely true! It is so pathetic how embarrassed men are about this vulnerability of their bodies. I once talked to a guy, he considered himself as a self defense ‘expert’ and advised women to kick shin instead of balls. I told him, OK if ball kicks do not work may I kick you there. And you can keep your protector on if you wish. He resolutely refused and just mumbled something about the danger of injury or so. I said yes, that’s what you have to teach women, to put an assailant in danger of losing his balls!

  3. You should have just kicked him in the testicles in front of his students to prove your point and to show women there how affective is a kick to the testicles. Shame on him to call himself a self defense expert.

  4. The problem is that a lot of these male teachers don't seem to understand that self-defense is not the same as winning a fight. There is no contest, no rules of good behavior, no referee, no being saved by the bell. There is just survival - and the testicles are a totally legitimate target. Ignoring this most sensitive area is just politically correct nonsense.

    1. Absolutely excellently said, thanks a lot or this comment. Men tend to incorrectly associate female self defense and martial arts
      Men normally use their masculine features like power, size and weight to fight each other, whether it is a sport or in a real situation, but the vulnerable core source of their masculinity (testicles) is absolutely of the limits. It is taken as breaking an important rule of thumb, an unwritten gentlemen agreement.
      Female self defense is neither a martial art nor a freestyle match. It is a fight for survival with only one aim, to get away. A woman or a girl does not possess the typical masculine attributes, so when she is being attacked by a man taking unrightfully the advantage of this difference, she is fully entitled to attack and even to take away the source of his masculinity. In one of the other posts we already discussed that some of the best writers of the self defense books are women and the best of such books came out in the 80ies, not affected by any political correctness. Susan Smith, Kathy Long, Mary Conroy, Kaleghi Quinn just to name some of the great authors… and testicles are definitely not tabu in these books...

  5. What is rarely mentioned is the huge amount of emotional satisfaction that many survivors experience from successfully hurting an attacker's testicles.

    1. That's true, I once watched and interview with a lady who successfully defended from a mugger. I could clearly notice a satisfaction in her voice when she was explaining how she kicked him 'where it counts'. This satisfaction can help survivors in dealing with the distress caused by an attacker.

  6. I know a male karate expert who has both karate and self defense classes but never ever mention a groin kick in his self defense class. Once one of the lady asked him about the groin kick and he said he refuse to teach groin kick because it is illegal in karate!! can you imagine that!!!!

    1. That's ridiculous. In sparing competition the groin kicks are not allowed basically in all martial arts. However, these MA were developed in the past as real world self defense/fighting systems. Even in karate you have kin-geri, which is basically a groin kick. Rather than lying to the lady he should have frankly admitted he is not comfortable to expose his male vulnerability to the female attendees of the class. Actually, I think he should not teach such classes at all. Bad self defense teaching is sometimes worse than teaching nothing. The lady knew about the effectives of kicking testicles even without his 'expertise'.

  7. "It is not that painful" Really!!? Is that even a myth? Do men deep in their hearts really believed that? come on! If any man claim that a hit in the testicles "not that painful' just ask him to try to do 10 jumping jacks while naked and see if he could do that. They can't.
    I remember one day during the pandemic i was working out at home and my boyfriend was naked and he tried to join me and when we started doing jumping jacks he suddenly stopped and laid down on the couch and when i asked him what happened he said that his testicles hurt him.
    I hope women don't believe this myth and I hope men stop bluffing about the vulnerability of their testicles.

    Thanks Wendy

    1. Thanks for this comment. Yes, I have read it several times on various self defense forums: 'Do not trust movies, groin shots are exaggerated there. Men never go down after being hit in their testicles... etc. Well one can easily find a lot of evidence on YouTube this is total bullshit. I feel sorry for your boyfriend. It had to be hard for him to watch you doing jumping jack as much as you want while he had to rest and to recover from testicular pain. I guess he has low hangers, these are very vulnerable. I am thinking I'll try this with my boyfriend :) Thanks for this story again. Best, Wendy

    2. why would you try that with your boyfriend??!!

    3. Well, why not? :) Don't worry, he is fine. Wendy

  8. You are exactly right! There are many evidence that shows how painful a hit to the testicles could be, all women know that so what is the point of lying?
    I think it would be way better for men to admit that their testicles are so so vulnerable and live with that, men should look at Peter and Bob and learn how these two men not only accepting the vulnerability of their body but they are welling to share that in a women self defense class.
    Regarding my boyfriend your guess is true, he has low hangers! so if your boyfriend's balls are low hangers i don't advice you to try that on him because he is gonna be in a lot of discomfort.
