Sunday 9 August 2020

Male anatomy - overview

Three are three major target area (in bold) on male body utilizable for the last resort self defense: eyes, Adam’s apple and testicles.  Using those, with only little force one can cause extreme pain and incapacitation. This shows that although male bodies have in general larger body mass and muscles, they still possess extremely vulnerable organs. Linda  used to say: always focus on his high balls, low balls and an apple. Depicted are also secondary targets philtrum, temple, ears, penis, knees, rectum, kidneys and spine. I will describe the anatomy of each target in details later.


  1. Hi! I have a past of martial arts & self defense. I have made some figures like this one. I would love to talk more with you about ways to incapacitate male attackers through their most vulnerable body area.

    1. Hi! Of course, we can talk about some effective techniques of female self defense. You can drop me an email via the contact form at Have a nice day, Wendy
